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Lessons from America’s worst employers (2022 edition)

Of course, we should praise employers who treat their employees respectfully, pay fairly and take their legal obligations seriously. Yet, we can all learn something from the worst of the worst. Here is a sampling of America’s worst employers of 2022.

3 2023 HR trends to watch

As we approach the new year, some significant HR trends are emerging. These will affect how you recruit, hire, manage and terminate employees. Here’s what to expect in 2023.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’22

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

High court ponders employment cases

The Supreme Court tackles several employment cases this term.

Snapshot: Work resolutions 2023

Getting a raise is the main 2023 career goal for almost half (44%) of 1,000 Americans surveyed by Moneypenny.

The future of work: 70% of employees are not prepared

According to a study of 3,000 people conducted by Amazon and Workplace Intelligence, almost 80% of employees are concerned they lack the skills to advance their careers, 70% of employees lack the education to do so and 58% believe their skills have gone stale since the pandemic.

What the elections mean for employers

The mid-term elections are now over. What do the results mean for employers nationally and in specific states? Here are a few possibilities.

What’s in a name? Are you happy with “HR department”?

A growing number of companies are using terms like “talent management” instead of “human resources.”

The HR I.Q. Test: November ’22

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.

Snapshot: Covid prompts “Great Reflection”

After 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021—a record number, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics—the departures, or Great Resignations, caused workers to regard their employment differently. Call it The Great Reflection.