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HR Management

Negotiating workplace conflicts: 9 tips for managers

Conflict happens in all corners of the workplace. If issues aren’t settled, bad things can happen. But supervisors and managers don’t need to become certified mediators to settle disputes.

4 strategies for strengthening internal mobility

In times of low unemployment—like now, when securing talent is so difficult—internal mobility can be a godsend. Utilizing current employees in new capacities instead of recruiting outsiders saves time and money. Plus, current workers—whether promoted or transferred to new roles—already understand your mission and culture, and management knows what to expect based on past performance.

HR leaders express confidence in AI, hiring and engagement

Will artificial intelligence be a boom or a bust for corporate America? According to a recent survey, 65% of chief human resource officers believe AI will have a positive impact on the human capital function within the next two years.

Analysis paralysis? 4 tips for making better decisions

Your ability to make sound business decisions swiftly—even when they involve ambiguity and risk—is a major factor in your ability to guide and manage a successful team. Here are some simple ways to help you make better decisions.

4 keys to care for employees’ mental health and wellness

According to the nonprofit American Institute of Stress, work-related stress and associated absenteeism, diminished productivity and turnover cost employers at least $187 billion per year. To relieve employees’ stress and improve their mental health, try these tactics.

Here comes the summer help!

How to welcome, prep and manage those seasonal employees.

Employee burnout remains high, but trending downward

Nearly half of American employees say they are burned out from their jobs, but burnout has fallen slightly since last year and more substantially since the early months of the pandemic.

Witnessed wrongdoing? Here’s what to do

Knowing how to respond to misconduct before you face it is essential for your long-term career and peace of mind.

Shift to remote work has a mental-health downside

An analysis by the nonprofit Integrated Benefits Institute found that 40% of fully remote workers and 38% of hybrid workers were more likely than in-person workers to report symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.

10 crucial reminders about your records policy

Think managing and protecting your HR and business records is easy? Think again. Ideally, you already have a records-management policy in place. An up-to-date records policy is vital if your company has moved to remote or hybrid work and not made updates. Here are 10 points to keep in mind when drafting remote-records policies.