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Get facts straight when ranking candidates

Careful documentation can be a two-edged sword. Notes may reveal efforts to make one candidate look weaker than she really is if it becomes clear that the assessors got the facts supporting their conclusions wrong. That’s what happened in a recent case.

Hire high performers by utilizing motivation-based interviewing

“We have an epidemic problem of overrating the job candidate. The problem is your interview questions.” That was a statement from Carol Quinn, best-selling author and creator of motivation-based interviewing, in a recent webinar hosted by Business Management Daily.

Hiring pros reveal their favorite interview questions

Even if you have interviewed hundreds of candidates over 25 years, you want to update your question arsenal occasionally. Here are a few tried and true ones you may not have thought of, and some favorites from hiring experts. Add them to your list and pass them to managers and others in your company responsible for hiring.

Identical interview questions key to surviving rejected applicant’s suit

The hiring process is a common lawsuit trigger for candidates not selected for the job they’re interviewing for. Lawsuits alleging race or other forms of discrimination may focus on individual questions, the hiring committee’s demographic composition or some other perceived discriminatory action. The best way to counter this is with a carefully crafted interview process.

Try offbeat interview questions

Try to go beyond résumés. The Talent Blog suggests some offbeat questions. Here are a few variations.

The 5 worst interview questions & what to ask instead

The interview remains a hiring manager’s most effective tool for evaluating job candidates. Unfortunately, managers too often rely on a list of standard interview questions for which most applicants have canned responses. Here are five common questions to avoid, as well as suggestions for more productive queries that will help you make the correct hiring choice:

Using AI in hiring? Beware liability for bias

Employers increasingly rely on artificial intelligence-based software to manage the hiring process. But critics of AI software claim discrimination may be baked into the algorithms.

Beware medical inquiries before making job offer

When hiring, asking the wrong question can be an expensive mistake. In one recent case, a worker who wasn’t even looking for a job walked away with a $75,000 payday because of a prospective employer’s ill-conceived question.

The good & bad of remote hiring: Top perks, obstacles

As the workforce goes remote, so has hiring. And that’s caused all kinds of new challenges for employers.

Study: Best (and worst) applicant tracking systems

Ladders, Inc. collected data from 50,000 employers and job seekers to analyze the top software used to accept and track job applications.