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40% of applicants say it’s OK to ‘ghost’ employers

‘Ghosting’ a potential employer you’re no longer interested in is acceptable, according to a new survey from Clutch, a B2B ratings and reviews company.

Poll: Deal-breakers that instantly sink applicants

A new CareerBuilder survey asked HR pros to name recent applicant flubs that immediately earned Thanks-But-No-Thanks status.

Hiring for attitude: How to identify motivation & grit during interviews

Somewhere, we learned that if we hire a candidate with the skills we need, the results will be an employee who will do a great job. Wrong!

Complying with ‘ban the box’ turns out to be pretty easy

A new study by the WorldatWork HR association found that 44% of employers that have banned asking candidates about their salary history report that doing so has been very or extremely simple.

Interviewers know what they don’t want in a candidate


Forty-nine percent of hiring managers and HR pros who conduct job interviews think they know within five minutes whether or not a candidate will be a good fit, according to a new poll by CareerBuilder.

Snapshot: 5 cities with the quickest interview cycles


On average, the job interview process in the United States takes 23.8 days. It’s much faster in these five cities.

Celebrity CEOs: What they ask in interviews

According to a recent Business Insider report, here are the go-to questions of 12 top leaders.

Be ready to show you hired the best candidate


Unsuccessful applicants often believe they didn’t get hired because of some form of discrimination. You had better be ready to show that the person you hired was clearly better qualified. If you can do that, chances are a discrimination lawsuit will be tossed out fast.

Delete identifiable details from résumés, applications


Scrub applications and résumés of information that may reveal identifying personal characteristics. That way, hiring managers or screening committees won’t initially know details that might lead to claims of discrimination.

Who’s controlling the interview: You or the candidate?


When you interview with a résumé in front of you, the applicant controls the interview. You naturally find yourself referring to the résumé throughout the interview and asking questions related to that information. That’s exactly what the applicant wants.