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Employee Relations

How to keep new employees productive & engaged

When employees quit shortly after being hired, the departure is a gut punch to productivity and adds unnecessary costs. Plus, it can send unsettling shock waves to employees. Managers set the foundation for good employee relationships during the hiring process and in those first weeks on the job. Here are tips to keep newbies onboard, productive and engaged.

Negotiating workplace conflicts: 9 tips for managers

Conflict happens in all corners of the workplace. If issues aren’t settled, bad things can happen. But supervisors and managers don’t need to become certified mediators to settle disputes.

Want your top performers to stay? Ask these questions

Stay interviews are one of the best ways for employers to better understand their employees, take proactive measures to keep them satisfied and encourage them to stay put instead of seeking other job opportunities. Here’s a look at some useful stay interview questions to ask, organized by category.

Focus on employee experience to bolster retention

In today’s strong job market, employees have lots of career options. If they feel unhappy or unfulfilled at work, they will look elsewhere. That makes it more important than ever for leaders to create a work environment that fosters employee support, connection and empowerment.

Set your employees up for success with a strong onboarding program

You’ve spent a ton of time crafting a compelling ad and clear job description, interviewing numerous candidates and analyzing their job fit assessments, and you’ve identified a great candidate. What’s your next move to ensure they turn up on day one and stay for a while? The answer is your onboarding program.

Here comes the summer help!

How to welcome, prep and manage those seasonal employees.

Shift to remote work has a mental-health downside

An analysis by the nonprofit Integrated Benefits Institute found that 40% of fully remote workers and 38% of hybrid workers were more likely than in-person workers to report symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.

Are your employees happy?

Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day! So it’s a good time to assess whether employees are happy. Not skipping down a rainbow happy, but happy at work and with their work. Maybe happy-ish would be a better description. If you want to know whether employees are happy, ask them.

Emotional rescue: How to help angry employees vent

Say one of your employees walks into your office all red-faced and angry. How should you respond? Follow these do’s and don’ts to help em­­ployees vent about stressful work problems and think about solutions:

How HR can equip managers to drive high employee performance in 2023

It’s no secret that employee engagement and performance are at all-time lows, posing significant challenges for managers and HR departments. Dubbed the “quiet quitting” epidemic by the mainstream media, employees across the country are disengaged, only putting forth the minimum effort not to get fired.