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Employee Relations

To spur excellence, communicate differently

Two tips to try.

Re-recruit your employees

Focus on keeping the best employees by “re-recruiting” them. Here are three ways to increase retention.

Coach, don’t punish, if progress is possible

Progressive discipline, or a system of graduating threats, is a common strategy to address employee misbehavior or performance problems. “The whole process is doomed to fail,” writes Sue Bingham, founder of HWCP Group.

Advancing hourly workers

Hourly workers have long hovered on the bottom rung of the career ladder. But since the pandemic, they are more important than ever as companies struggle to attract and retain talent.

The case for behavioral rules

If you don’t have behavioral rules to guide employees or don’t enforce the current ones, you are missing an opportunity to discipline workers appropriately when they cross behavioral lines.

How to stop “job polygamists”

Some enterprising workers are logging into more than one employer’s remote work system simultaneously. Others are casually “sharing” jobs and splitting pay without employers knowing. But whether they work multiple jobs or share one, their unwitting employers face legal risk. Here are some signs you may have a cheater.

Keep It Legal: Internal investigations—get them right or pay the price

“Investigations are becoming a new and independent source of risk,” attorney Christopher Ward with Foley & Lardner told Business Management Daily during their HR Specialist Summit. “And it’s not simply whether you did an investigation, but whether you did it right. A good investigation usually means a good process.”

Hybrid work: Can we turn back the clock?

Two years or more into hybrid work, and not everyone agrees on whether it’s the future. How can we put the toothpaste back into the tube?

Ease talent struggles via internal recruitment

Your organization’s most robust talent pool may already be working for you.

Trend alert: Zoom zone-out

We’ve all heard about Zoom fatigue, but there’s a new worry for employers: Zoom zone-out. The State of Selling Survey analyzed employees from U.S. organizations and found that one in four say they get more distracted when on video calls vs. in-person meetings.