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4 keys to care for employees’ mental health and wellness

According to the nonprofit American Institute of Stress, work-related stress and associated absenteeism, diminished productivity and turnover cost employers at least $187 billion per year. To relieve employees’ stress and improve their mental health, try these tactics.

Shift to remote work has a mental-health downside

An analysis by the nonprofit Integrated Benefits Institute found that 40% of fully remote workers and 38% of hybrid workers were more likely than in-person workers to report symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.

Is work to blame for employee health problems? How HR can help

A new survey by Resume-Now provides some valuable insights to HR professionals regarding physical and mental health trends and how they relate to the workplace.

Spending bill promotes mental-health parity

Tucked into the mammoth omnibus government spending bill President Biden signed into law on Dec. 29 was a provision that expands the number of public employees whose health insurance plans must now cover mental-health services on a par with coverage offered for other conditions.

Appeals court: Federal contractors don’t have to ensure their employees are vaccinated

In a 2-1 decision, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court’s preliminary injunction blocking a federal mandate requiring federal contractors to ensure their employees are vaccinated against COVID as a condition of receiving government work.

Ready for inspection? Dollar Tree was not

A recent OSHA ruling is clear: Fix safety issues or face the consequences.

Surgeon General says workplace mental health is a top priority

HR is “the epicenter of employee care,” in the words of Vivek H. Murthy’s new report on improving workplace culture.

Medical cannabis bill is back in Louisiana

Veterans and first responders who use medical cannabis should be shielded from workplace discrimination, urge some military members and first responders in Louisiana. Last year, a bill to do just that failed in the state legislature. It’s back this session.

Lessons from Walmart workplace killings

What can other employers learn from this latest episode of workplace violence, and how can they improve their prevention programs?

DOL cracks down on child labor violations

DOL investigators found 101 teenagers worked impermissible hours at multiple McDonald’s restaurants in Pittsburgh. The DOL fined the franchisee $57,332 for violations of child labor laws at the 13 McDonald’s locations the husband and wife operated.