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Work / Life Issues

Offer pay to play: Vacation stipends encourage staff to take time off to recharge

This summer is shaping up to be the season of post-COVID vacations. Employers are actively encouraging employees to take long-delayed vacations. Some are even adding financial incentives in the form of vacation stipends. They are literally paying employees extra to go on vacation.

STOP! Do not pass go without checking with Payroll first

Employees shouldn’t be bored or discontented at work, because bored and discontented employees aren’t productive employees. But the phrase employee engagement, like the employee experience, seems like a euphemistic way of saying motivation. Why not just say motivation?

Bereavement leave: How to manage time off when an employee’s loved one dies

Is HR’s focus on leave related to childbirth misplaced? According to the Census Bureau, there were more deaths than births in most U.S. counties during the 12 months that ended June 30, 2022. Any employer that offers reasonable bereavement leave—especially paid leave—sets itself apart as a workplace that values work-life balance.

A father-daughter chat about money and financial literacy

April is National Financial Literacy Month. Payroll is the company department holding employees’ money, so take some time to educate them about it.

4 keys to care for employees’ mental health and wellness

According to the nonprofit American Institute of Stress, work-related stress and associated absenteeism, diminished productivity and turnover cost employers at least $187 billion per year. To relieve employees’ stress and improve their mental health, try these tactics.

Are your employees happy?

Tomorrow is Employee Appreciation Day! So it’s a good time to assess whether employees are happy. Not skipping down a rainbow happy, but happy at work and with their work. Maybe happy-ish would be a better description. If you want to know whether employees are happy, ask them.

CHIPS, employer-provided dependent care benefits and employees’ 1040s

The Commerce Department will be doling out $50 billion to construction and chip manufacturers. Catch: Applicants requesting more than $150 million in direct funding must provide their employees with access to affordable, accessible, reliable and high-quality child care.

Struggling to attract enough applicants? Consider adding child-care benefits to portfolio

Employers can support employees’ child-care needs in several ways.

Offer benefits that pay down student debt

Helping new hires pay off their student loans might be the recruiting advantage that makes you an employer of choice.

How to spot and prevent burnout

Everyone has a limit. When walking into work (or taking the few steps to the home office) becomes a challenge, your employees are probably on track to experience burnout. The ability to spot and—more importantly—prevent burnout can save great workers from absences or the pursuit of greener pastures.