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Quick quitting could be coming your way

You’ve heard of “quiet quitting,” when employees perform the bare minimum required and clock out precisely when their workday ends. Well, you’ve got a new nightmare—quick quitting! That refers to a worker who leaves your employ within six months to a year.

Snapshot: Great Resignation has resigned

Fewer workers are quitting, and job listings are dropping (though they are still higher than pre-pandemic levels).

Women exit in record numbers

Female leaders are leaving their companies at the highest rate in years, and the gap between male and female leaders leaving is the largest ever seen, according to Lean In’s 2022 Women in the Workplace Report.

Why so many HR employees are quitting

New data from LinkedIn reveals a disturbing trend. As part of the Great Resignation, HR has the highest turnover of all job functions, with a quit rate of 15% over the last 12 months.

Twin perils: ‘Quiet quitting’ and ‘quiet firing’

Two buzzwords have been making the rounds in HR. “Quiet quitting” describes the practice of employees doing the bare minimum required of their jobs, not caring if they get fired. Then there’s “quiet firing,” which describes the flip-side—when employers passively try to push employees out the door Both practices carry huge risks for employers.

Despite recession risk, 31% of workers plan to quit

Even as signs of a forthcoming recession mount, the Great Resignation’s momentum continues. A new survey by The Conference Board reveals that one-third of workers are still actively looking for a new job.

4 in 10 employees will seek new jobs this year

Staff turnover will continue to trouble employers, new research from outplacement firm Robert Half shows. According to the company’s biannual Job Optimism Survey of more than 2,400 workers in the U.S., 41% of respondents said they are currently looking or plan to look for a new job in the second half of 2022.

7 reasons why employees disengage and quit

Think of your employees as all sitting in the same rowboat. You like to think they’re all pulling hard on those oars together. But based on recent Gallup polling, only about a third of employees (34%) are busting their butts (actively engaged).

Quit rates and job openings hit record

Here’s more proof of the white-hot labor market—and of job candidates’ bargaining power: U.S employers posted 11.5 million job openings in March and about 4.5 million Americans quit or changed jobs that month—both record highs.

Survey: Voluntary quits could jump 20% this year

U.S. employee annual voluntary turnover is likely to jump nearly 20% this year, from a pre-pandemic annual average of 31.9 million employees quitting their jobs to 37.4 million quitting in 2022, according to a survey by the Gartner business advisory firm.