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Exit checklist: When teleworkers terminate

You probably have a plan in place dictating what happens when an employee quits. But with so many employees working remotely, traditional exit interviews and the accompanying rituals may slip through the cracks. Here’s how to safeguard your intellectual and real property in a work-from-home world.

Half of quits might have been preventable

Fifty-two percent of employees who voluntarily quit their jobs say their manager or organization could have done something to convince them to stay, according to a Gallup poll.

How to protect your company’s data when letting go of a remote employee

An astounding 87% of employees take company data with them on their way out the door. How can businesses protect their data when laying off employees who are currently working from home? Your checklist should include the following steps after an employee gives notice.

Worker leaving? Think before you make counteroffer

Neither lashing out at the employee nor panicking over having to fill an empty slot will help. Instead, start with some hardnosed considerations.

Court refused to extend filing deadline

Courts often give leeway to employees who try to represent themselves. However, except in unusual circumstances, that rarely extends to providing additional time to sue.

Mere threat of discipline is no reason to quit

Employees who quit can still sue their employers just as if they had been fired for an unlawful reason—under very limited circumstances.

Talk it out to avert constructive discharge suit

Workers can sometimes quit and sue, alleging they were “constructively discharged.” To win such a lawsuit, the former employee must show that a hypothetical reasonable employee would have felt just as compelled to quit had she experienced the same adverse working conditions.

Employees who resign aren’t usually eligible for unemployment compensation benefits

Generally, an employee who voluntarily resigns is ineligible for unemployment compensation benefits. However, there are some exceptions.

Worker who quit wants old job back? Too bad

Sometimes, workers quit without warning. Then, after cooling off, they may reconsider and ask to come back—in effect, “unresigning.” If you have already documented the original resignation, you don’t have to take the worker back and you generally won’t face liability for an adverse employment action.

So you discover an employee is job hunting—Now what?

Say you’re searching an online résumé database and spot the résumé of one of your best employees. You wonder what to do with that new information. The answer: Tailor your approach to that employee, the reason he or she is searching and whether you actually want to retain the person …