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Failing to transfer allergy sufferer may violate ADA.

William Woods’ doctor recommended that Woods leave central Texas to alleviate his severe allergies. Woods said his employer refused a transfer but suggested he resign and then reapply at its location …

Vacation policy could jeopardize at-Will rights


Q. Under our written company policy, an employee who fails to give 20 working days’ notice before resigning forfeits any earned vacation days. Is this policy lawful? —C.R., Wisconsin

Maternity leave repayment may be discriminatory


Q. Our maternity leave policy offers paid leave for female employees who plan to return to work after the birth of the child. If the employee quits before returning to work, she’s required to reimburse the company for the paid leave. Is this lawful? —A.C., Maryland

Commission must be paid at same time as wages


Q. We have a written employment contract with a worker that includes her salary, but an additional sheet attached to that outlines the commission structure. If the employee resigns with a month’s notice, what is our obligation to pay approximately $10,500 in earned commissions? —P. D., Pennsylvania

Craft bonuses carefully

When a financial analyst changed jobs, he left behind $120,000 in bonuses. The bonus plan paid benefits in quarterly installments but was contingent on continued employment with the company. A New …

Employee doesn’t need to exhaust complaint channels to file suit

After complaining to her store manager several times about harassment, Gabrielle Breda decided to resign and sue rather than take her complaint up the chain of command. Company policy …

Even ‘tolerable’ harassment will nail you

For months, Richard Corliss hurled racial slurs at two African-American co-workers at McDonald’s. When the two women complained, their supervisor said he couldn’t control Corliss’ mouth, claimed he didn’t know how …

Set reasonable limits on noncompete agreements

Redd Pest Control tried to turn its financial fortunes around by setting a $7,500 per-month quota for each technician’s route. Wayne Foster and Isadore Smith …

Radical change to worker’s schedule lets him win unemployment benefits

Philip Mauro was hired for a carpenter/foreman job with the understanding that his work had to coincide with his daughter’s day care hours, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and that …