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Want your top performers to stay? Ask these questions

Stay interviews are one of the best ways for employers to better understand their employees, take proactive measures to keep them satisfied and encourage them to stay put instead of seeking other job opportunities. Here’s a look at some useful stay interview questions to ask, organized by category.

Focus on employee experience to bolster retention

In today’s strong job market, employees have lots of career options. If they feel unhappy or unfulfilled at work, they will look elsewhere. That makes it more important than ever for leaders to create a work environment that fosters employee support, connection and empowerment.

5 ways to reduce employee turnover

A certain amount of employee turnover is inevitable and is considered healthy. However, too much will start to disrupt your operations. Here are five ways to reduce your turnover rate.

One conversation with your MVP can make all the difference

Sometimes called the “re-recruiting” meeting, the stay interview is a way to collect valuable feedback and retain superstars before they jump ship. Here are 5 top stay interview questions.

Ways to stop resignations before they spread

A new study based on more than three years of research proves that resignations can spread throughout an organization and teams, but it also gives employers specific ways to stop this from happening.

Onboarding questions to ask over 30/60/90 days

Transitioning new hires into your department involves multiple cascading events that occur over time, both for the manager, the new hire and the organization. Much more than simply enrolling people in benefits and setting up their payroll, it’s your first chance to make a good impression and truly integrate the individual into your culture.

Special contracts to retain special employees

Good employees are worth their weight in gold. In any employment market, the costs of turnover, retraining and lost business opportunities are high. With all these challenges, guarding your “gold” seems prudent.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to retain a star employee

The “stay interview” provides an opportunity to confirm assumptions about employee preferences and goals. It’s not good enough to know someone wants to advance. You also need to understand how they work, if they feel comfortable with the team dynamic and anything else on their mind.

Re-recruit your employees

Focus on keeping the best employees by “re-recruiting” them. Here are three ways to increase retention.

Ease talent struggles via internal recruitment

Your organization’s most robust talent pool may already be working for you.