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Benefits get more vital in recruiting, retention

While pay continues to be the number one reason that Americans decide to remain with or join an employer, people are looking at health and retirement benefits as a more significant factor in recent years. As a result, employers are boosting those benefits to compete.

Employers struggle to hire, retain white-collar staff

A new survey confirms that most organizations are finding it extremely difficult to find and retain qualified workers. The survey, conducted by the Conference Board in March, reveals that hiring challenges extend beyond a shortage of manual services workers.

Employers wrestling with covid safety, return to work

Employers face a host of issues as they negotiate returning to on-site work amid a historically tight labor market, according to a Littler Mendelson survey conducted in March.

Half would quit if forced to return to work full time

There’s a disconnect between managers’ expectations about on-site work and employees’ willingness to come back, and it foreshadows a worsening retention problem for employers.

Polls offer cues on how to retain employees

These days, keeping your employees happy may be key to actually keeping your employees. Fortunately, a new Gallup poll offers insight into what it takes to prevent employees from taking that initial step of sending out their résumés.

Lure workers back by welcoming dogs, too

While 67% of employees polled by pet-product company Honest Paws said they would consider looking for a new job if they were no longer allowed to work remotely, 78% said they would stay if they could bring their pets to work.

Growing retention tool: Internal job fairs

While job fairs are typically used as an outside recruitment tool, the current job market is leading more companies to host job fairs for their current employees as a way to keep them from jumping ship.

Survey: Labor crisis requires focus on hiring and retention

A growing number of North American employers believe meeting current labor market challenges will require identifying new sources of talent and upgrading current employees’ skills. That’s according to a new survey by the Willis Towers Watson consulting firm.

Conduct ‘stay interviews’ to retain employees

Don’t give up great employees without a fight. Numerous surveys have found that between 10% and 25% of employees plan to seek new jobs this year. Many of those resignations might be avoidable.

Talent war driving big pay raises for 2022

With record numbers of employees quitting their jobs in 2021, HR pros are fighting a fierce battle to attract and retain top talent as the calendar flips to 2022. The most powerful weapon in their arsenal: higher pay.