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Onboarding: 15 questions to ask employees in their first 60 days


With the economy on the rise, employees are finding it easier to leave jobs in which they’re not completely comfortable. That’s putting more pressure on HR and managers to improve the onboarding process for new hires.

Reduce Turnover by Showing Applicants ‘A Day in the Life’


In their zeal to attract good candidates, HR people and hiring managers often show job candidates only a shiny, happy picture of the organization. That’s not smart …

Ban smoking or ban smokers? How far can you legally go?


Thirty states and the District of Columbia have established “lifestyle discrimination” laws that prohibit employers from discriminating against employees or applicants based on the person’s off-duty use of tobacco or participation in other legal though controversial activities …

Employer-Provided health insurance to become exception?


About 60 percent of Michigan residents still receive health insurance through work, but that may not be true for very long …

5 Ohio employers among ‘Best Companies to Work For’


Fortune’s latest list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For, 2007” includes five Ohio employers, led by California-based Vision Service Plan, which ranked No. 23 …

Total-Comp Statements: More Important Than Ever


Regularly remind employees of the value of your benefits package by distributing total-compensation statements every six months. Organizations that communicate such information can boost loyalty and retention, even when their benefits aren’t the very best …

Use the right words to silence pay-Related gripes


How do employees at your organization feel about their compensation? If the answer is “Not good,” a bit of explanation from you or their supervisors can calm those troubled waters and help reduce turnover …

Communicate payroll-Card benefits to help trim turnover


When employees are "unbanked"—i.e., they don’t have bank accounts into which your organization can deposit their wages—they’re more likely to quickly jump ship for another job. To serve the nation’s 56 million citizens who don’t have traditional bank accounts, more organizations are using payroll cards, which are being credited with reducing turnover as well

Ogling Google: Best benefit practices of 100 ‘Best’ firms


Google is just eight years old, but it beat out a slew of old-timers to snag the No. 1 spot on Fortune’s list of the “100 Best Companies to Work For.” Reason: Its benefits are to die for

Case study: Give workers the power to reshape their jobs and goals


Most organizations stick to traditional management approaches, largely because they don’t trust employees with control. But studies consistently show that employees who set their own goals work harder to accomplish them and are happier with their jobs. Here are some practical tips for empowering your employees.