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Pros and cons of tuition assistance


Q. I am the HR director of a midsize company. I am currently evaluating additional benefits that my company can provide to help us attract and retain talent. One of our employees suggested a tuition-reimbursement program. Can you describe some of the pros and cons of such a program? …

8 little things managers can do to retain the best

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Recognize any of these 6 supervisor profiles?


The hard-driving, ruthless boss may fit the stereotype of today’s most successful corporate executive. But the most effective workplace leaders are honest, caring  and flexible. Six profiles show the full spectrum of supervisory skill—as rated by employees.

Prevent ‘Survivor syndrome’: Avoid turnover after layoffs


Issue: After a round of layoffs, remaining employees will wonder "Who’s next?"
Risk: That insecurity can cause layoff survivors to "fire themselves" and seek greener pastures elsewhere.
Action: Don’t …

Stay competitive by aligning benefits with staff expectations


An organization’s HR professionals and its employees don’t always see eye to eye when it comes to benefits. The Society for Human Resource Management’s “2007 Job Satisfaction Survey Report” revealed some good examples …

3-Month ‘Future Leave’ Helps Retain Employees


Employees at Accenture, a management consulting company, can take three months off—for any reason—and their jobs will be waiting for them when they return. As part of the company’s Future Leave program, which grants unpaid leave of up to three months with continued benefits, supervisors don’t even ask why the employee wants to take the time off …

How to identify (and reverse) employee disengagement

A recent Gallup Poll says less than one-third of U.S. employees are actively engaged in their jobs. That’s why it’s important for managers to watch for the early signs of employee disengagement and try to pull those employees back from the edge. How can you see the slide? Employees stop offering suggestions. They contribute less […]

Prepare employees for benefits changes or lose their trust


As your organization shifts more responsibility to employees to manage their own health and retirement expenses, you risk alienating your work force. But it doesn’t have to be that way …

It’s time to figure out who will replace the boomers


Despite what you’ve heard about would-be retirees clinging to their jobs long into their golden years, the average retirement age is 62. That means the boomers are going to start racing into retirement. How many employees is your organization going to lose? Chances are, you don’t know. Most organizations don’t know how old their employees are or when those in their 60s plan to retire. Supervisors may know on a case-by-case basis, but what the organization needs is an overall profile so a mad dash out the door doesn’t catch anyone by surprise …

Want to become strategic? Know the 3 projects to tackle


Only 23% of execs say HR plays a key role in shaping company strategy and affecting operating results, says a new Deloitte survey. The key for you: “Pick a project that impresses executives, impacts the bottom line and makes good use of your time,” says Dave Ulrich, co-founder of the RBL Group and a University of Michigan business professor …