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Discrimination / Harassment

Handle requests for religious accommodations by holding interactive talks about options

Title VII requires employers to reasonably accommodate employees’ sincerely held religious beliefs and practices. Employers must handle requests for religious accommodations just as they do requests for disability accommodations under the ADA—through an interactive process in which the employee’s and the employer’s competing needs are discussed.

Step in to stop workplace toxicity that disproportionately harms women

According to new research released in the MIT Sloan Management Review, women are 41% more likely than men to experience a toxic corporate culture. The pandemic appears to have widened the toxic-culture gender gap.

Witnessed wrongdoing? Here’s what to do

Knowing how to respond to misconduct before you face it is essential for your long-term career and peace of mind.

Poll: More than half of workers over the age of 40 have experienced discrimination

Age bias is alive and well in the workplace 56 years after enactment of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, according to a new survey conducted by Moneyzine.com.

Survey: More employers taking action on pay equity

WorldatWork’s latest Pay Equity Study found that 70% of organizations were taking action on pay equity in 2022, a 10% increase since 2019 and a 4% increase over 2021.

Dodge discrimination claims when diversifying

There’s a right way and a wrong way to diversify your workforce. The right way is difficult and takes time. The wrong way is to push current employees out of the way.

3 steps to solve an invisible DEI problem: Awareness

New research conducted by Torch suggests there is a gap in awareness between how well-meaning business leaders think they’re doing on DEI and their actual progress. Three steps can help align leaders’ thinking about their organization’s DEI challenges.

High Court to rule on how to accommodate religious needs

The upcoming case, Groff v. DeJoy, was filed by U.S. Postal Service employee Gerald, who asked the post office to accommodate his Christian faith needs by not scheduling him to work on Sundays.

Settlement proves race discrimination still rampant

A Black radiographer who was subject to racist remarks by his white supervisor complained to the company’s vice president, yet no corrective action was taken, and he was fired, according to an EEOC lawsuit.

Supersized harassment settlement highlights the extra care needed when employing minors

How bad must sexual harassment be for an employer to settle a harassment case for $2 million? This bad.