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Discrimination / Harassment

Poll: Black, white workers diverge on racial inequity

Black and white American workers differ in their perceptions of racial inequity in the workplace, of incivility and whether their employers can do more to promote equity and inclusion at work, according to a new report by the Society for Human Resource Management.

Warn bosses: Harassment can bring personal liability

Remind all supervisors that discriminating against employees or harassing them doesn’t just create liability for the company. It could become a big legal problem for them personally. Several federal laws and many more state laws make that possible.

Now more than ever, keep dress code neutral

With a potentially polarizing election looming, workplace conflict over politics seems almost inevitable. Employers should avoid fueling those battles. One flashpoint to beware: Dress codes that prescribe what employees must or must not wear at work, especially concerning political expression.

Religion must be accommodated, not trivialized

Remind all supervisors that unless a religious need unduly burdens business operations, they must accommodate employee beliefs.

Choosing applicants based on ‘it factor’: Is that job bias?

Here’s a $215,000 reminder that it’s always better to use objective, quantifiable measures in hiring, rather than relying on subjective factors.

The high cost of honoring customer bias: $568,500

Discriminating because of a customer’s request is just as illegal as discrimination an employer dreamed up by itself. This is especially true for employment agencies that place workers in temporary assignments or recommend them for permanent placement.

Supreme Court rules for religious employers

Two of the U.S. Supreme Court’s final decisions of the 2019-2020 term backed employers’ ability to invoke religion to exempt themselves from laws affecting employees and the workplace.

Inspect remote worksites to uncover hidden harassment

Harassment—sexual and otherwise—often flourishes in remote work locations where there is little direct supervision. One of the best ways to rein it in: routine, unannounced workplace visits by HR.

Beware suits from staff who know your shortcomings

Widespread protests calling for an end to systemic racism have caught the attention of corporate America.

Steer clear of basing pay on previous compensation

Attorneys who represent employees and job applicants are starting to win equal-pay cases they might have lost in years past. They are claiming that basing a new employee’s starting pay on how much he or she earned before so perpetuates past bias that it is itself a discriminatory act.