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Capture knowledge from key people before they exit


Your organization could lose critical knowledge if certain employees leave. Yet, top management often hesitates to address that risk. By taking steps to capture "at risk" information, you build a stronger organization … and boost your own standing …

Don’t drag your feet on employees’ accommodation requests

Some problems will eventually go away if you wait long enough. But that’s not the attitude to take when employees request workplace accommodations for their physical or mental conditions.
The …

Continued employment enough to bind employees to noncompete pact

You may be afraid that your top salesperson or IT whiz is about to jump ship to the competition, but you failed to sign those employees to noncompete agreements when you …

Stay on guard against top 10 ‘bad boss’ behaviors

Bad managers are the main reason many employees quit. An online survey at KeepEm.com details which bad-boss behaviors would make them quit. The top 10 worst offenses, in order: belittles people …

Prevent the damage from employee defections

Issue: How to stop employees from disclosing confidential data, or jumping to a competitor and stealing your employees.
Benefit: You can stop defectors from raiding your business, but only if …

Use ‘stay’ interviews to boost retention

In addition to using exit interviews that ask employees why they’re leaving, conduct regular “stay interviews” to learn what your organization is doing right (and wrong) and to show that you …

Should you create an ‘alumni’ Web site for former staff?

Issue: Establishing a Web site that acts as an online home for your organization’s former employees.
Benefit: Such alumni sites help you recruit former employees (boomerangs), generate referrals and build …

‘Equal-opportunity harasser’ defense may not save you in court

You may think that if an employee subjects both male and female co-workers to the same offensive conduct, employees of neither sex can file a sexual-harassment lawsuit.
In past cases, …

Use ‘restrictive covenants’ to limit damage from staff defectors

You were annoyed last week when your company’s sales manager quit. He’d been in that job for 15 years and didn’t give any notice. But today, four of your best sales …

Enforce use-it-or-lose-it vacation with a clear policy

Issue: How to handle employees’ vacation leave left over at year-end or when they leave your employ.
Benefit: A clearly written policy can protect you from disputes and unnecessary compensation. …