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Court: Reasonable fear of economic harm is enough to support constructive discharge claim


Employees can’t quit and claim constructive discharge just because conditions at work became uncomfortable. But what level of discomfort is required?

Jury gets to decide: Did she quit or was she fired?


Think an employee’s ultimatum a­­mounts to quitting in a huff? Maybe, maybe not­. If a dispute transforms into a lawsuit, it may be up to a judge or jury to determine if an em­­ployee really resigned or was just blow­­ing off steam.

‘Resign or be fired’: Humane offer or a risky ultimatum?

Presenting an employee the option to resign or get fired may fall under the no-good-deed-goes-unpunished category. As a new ruling shows, such ultimatums might ultimately give you ulcers in court.

Termination? Consider offering severance in exchange for waiving right to sue

Just letting an employee sign a resignation letter instead of being terminated won’t always prevent her from suing you.

Subordinate’s hair comment doesn’t justify lawsuit

It takes more than a handful of incidents to create hostility, even if they could be viewed as offensive and not appropriate for the workplace.

How to get the most from your exit interviews

From both sides of the table, exit interviews are not a comfortable situation. But organizations can gain a lot of valuable information that can help improve the workplace culture and reduce turnover.

Conduct legally smart exit interviews

Knowing why employees leave is crucial to finding the cause for turnover. Exit interviews can be a great tool to obtain that feedback. However, take care to minimize legal liability during those meetings.

The 5-step plan for handling an employee’s 2-weeks’ notice

For a smooth exit that’s favorable to both employee and employer, follow these steps for any departure.

Resignation without explanation? That means no unemployment benefits

Employees who quit their jobs for a compelling reason but who don’t give their employers a chance to fix the problem aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation benefits.

‘Resign or be fired’ may be the riskiest offer

Have you ever presented an employee the option to resign or get fired? Maybe you believed you were helping the employee to graciously exit the workplace without the embarrassment of a termination.