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Unemployment: Track complaints that led to quitting


You need clear lines of communication so employees can complain about workplace problems. That can protect you if an employee quits because of alleged harassment and then applies for unemployment benefits. He won’t be eligible if he never gives you a chance to fix the problem. Not using the company complaint process pretty much means the em­­ployee didn’t give his employer a chance, blocking benefits.

Quitting in anticipation of being fired bars benefits

An employee who quits because he thinks he may be fired isn’t usually eligible for unemployment benefits. If there was still work available, quitting would have been unreasonable.

Getting the most out of exit interviews

A team member’s departure offers a valuable opportunity to see how well the team is working and what might be done to improve conditions for future employees. Here are some guidelines to follow to get the most out of this conversation.

Separation agreements: Use arbitration agreements instead of claims releases?

Q. We have seen that some companies are requiring their employees to agree to arbitration rather than a release of claims in their separation agreements. Is this an alternative worth exploring?

Watch out! EEOC takes aim at separation agreements

To stay out of the cross-hairs, review your separation agreements and revise any language that could be seen as too broad.

Voluntarily quitting, retiring generally blocks litigation

Offering the option to resign or retire instead of facing an investigation into alleged wrongdoing doesn’t always block a later lawsuit if the employee accepts—but it usually does. Be prepared to show the resignation or retirement was truly voluntary.

What to do when a rock star leaves


The hole left when an outstanding worker departs can seem big enough to swallow up the productivity of your whole department. It doesn’t have to be that way.

‘Resign or be fired’: Humane offer or a risky ultimatum?


Have you ever presented an em­­ployee the option to resign or get fired? Doing so today just may fall under the no-good-deed-goes-unpunished category. As this new ruling shows, such ultimatums might ultimately give you ulcers in court under the “ultimatum theory” of liability …

Must we hand over final paycheck, or is it OK to put it in the mail?

Q. One of our employees is resigning at the end of the month. Can we mail her final paycheck?

Simple personality clash is no reason to quit

Employees can sometimes receive unemployment benefits even if they quit, but they must have good cause. Mere dissatisfaction doesn’t count.