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Can we fire worker who gave notice and promptly started slacking off?

Q. One of our employees gave us a two-week notice because he found another job. However, now the employee is unmotivated and not focused on his work. Can we let him go before the two-week period is up?

Constructive Discharge


HR Law 101: Some supervisors try to skirt the whole issue of firing someone by resorting to constructive discharge. Their logic: If we make an employee’s time at work so intolerable, he or she will choose to resign. That’s an unwise strategy …

Coatesville superintendent, AD resign over racist texts

The Coatesville Area School District superintendent and athletic director have both resigned after bigoted text messages between the two came to light when a technician transferred their data to new employer-provided phones.

Save money upon termination by including ‘use it or lose it’ leave policy in handbook

Here’s another reason your hand­­book must include clear, concise and specific explanations of vacation and other leave policies: By carefully explaining that em­­ployees who quit forfeit unused leave, you won’t have to pay them for that un­­used time under the North Caro­­lina Wage and Hour Act.

Develop foolproof plan for taking uncertainty out of ambiguous resignations

Not sure what to do when it seems as if an employee is going to quit, but she doesn’t explicitly say so? Seek clarification. If you get none, tell her you assume her silence is tantamount to a resignation.

San Diego’s mayor resigns, settles sexual harassment claim

San Diego Mayor Bob Filner has resigned after settling sexual harassment claims against him.

Not wrongful discharge: ‘You can’t fire me, I quit!’

Good news: A court has cut off one path to a wrongful discharge case in North Carolina. While courts have allowed claims of wrongful discharge in violation of public policy, such lawsuits actually require that the employer fire the employee rather than merely threaten to do so.

Injured worker? Contest unemployment if worker quits before giving you a chance to help

Here’s some good news: As long as you are willing to accommodate an employee’s medical condition, you won’t face liability for unemployment compensation if she quits. And the employee has to tell you she needs that accommodation. If she just quits, she won’t be eligible.

When considering pay cuts, weigh the risk of being on the hook for unemployment benefits

Sometimes, employees quit in a huff over a pay dispute and then try to collect unemployment compensation benefits. They may argue that a pay cut justified their resignation. But unless the reduction is substantial—usually greater than 20% of previous pay—the resignation wouldn’t be justified.

Get resignation in writing before accepting it

When employees quit, always ask them for a written resignation.