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Employee Relations

5 ways to handle the suck-up on your team

“A ‘yes-man’ who agrees with everything a manager says can be just as destructive as a disengaged employee who doesn’t say anything at all.

What should we do? Two no-show/no-call situations were treated differently

Q. We have a strict rule against not calling in before a missed shift to report an absence. We require workers to make that call at least one hour before the shift is to start, unless they cannot do so due to an emergency. Otherwise we mark the absence as unexcused. Recently, an employee went to the emergency room and couldn’t make the call because she could not get cell service where she was and was undergoing triage treatment. We didn’t hold her to the rule. Now another employee, who heard from the first employee that she was excused, is complaining she’s being treated unfairly, but her situation was not the same. What do we do?

Flight attendants say JetBlue failed to investigate rape

Two female JetBlue flight attendants allege they were drugged and one was raped by two JetBlue pilots during a layover in Puerto Rico. They reported the incident to JetBlue, but have now filed a lawsuit alleging the airline did not investigate their allegations.

6 common reasons bosses withhold praise

Employees who are recognized for their efforts are generally contented—and contented employees rarely sue their employers. Train managers to beware these common excuses for withholding praise—and what to do instead.

5 questions to ask employees

Fierce Conversations, a business consulting company, recommends all leaders, at their earliest convenience, take the time to ask their employees five essential questions that get to the heart of their role within the company.

Managing depressed employees: What supervisors need to know

Given the American Psychiatric Association’s estimate that one in six people will experience depression at some time in his or her life, chances are significant that you’ll deal with the issue among your staff. Yet despite its prevalence, don’t expect team members to readily come forward.

Is it possible to discipline for body odor?

Q. We have several employees who apparently don’t use deodorant and have very offensive body odor. What can we do to get them to clean up their act? Can we discipline them? Our dress code does specify that all employees shall practice good hygiene.

Healthy culture pays off in financial and people terms

Cultural factors such as collaboration, employee engagement, employee retention and customer satisfaction have a clear relationship with revenue growth, researchers have found.

The best way to help employees set goals

How you set goals for your employees is important, not just for clarity as to what needs to be done, but also for the motivational value it can add for the employee if you do it right.

3 steps to turn around a culture

If morale has tanked, customer complaints are rampant, and turnover is high, a hostile work environment may be to blame. You will need to address the underlying issues in order to overhaul the culture and create a work environment that people are happy and proud to be a part of. Start here.