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How to involve staff in the interview process

More employers are having applicants sit down with key employees whose opinions they trust. Here are the pros and cons.

Beware the discrimination perils of hiring and firing by committee

Using a group to make hiring or firing decisions can increase the probability that some illegal, discriminatory factor will influence the process.

Clean up job ads to eliminate traces of bias

Crafting a short job ad is easy. Right? But a few poorly chosen words could spark a discrimination claim. For example, see if you can spot the problems in the following ad.

Divide applicants based on qualifications

Do you have more applicants who are at least minimally qualified than you can reasonably interview? Then split up the applicant pool before you begin those interviews.

Don’t scare away a good job candidate

Here are the top mistakes hiring managers make that lead good job candidates to wonder whether they really want to work for you.

Good luck trying to entice boomerang applicants

It’s the workplace equivalent of, “It wasn’t me, it was you.”

Blasé millennials require new approach to benefits

Millennial workers are less knowledgeable—and less interested—in their workplace benefits than their older colleagues are, according to a new analysis by the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Feel free to use subjective factors when hiring, but be prepared to explain your criteria

Not every hiring decision has to be based strictly on objective qualifications. Some jobs require special talents that are inherently subjective.

Résumé-free hiring: Growing trend or fad?

Many companies have put an end to collecting and reviewing résumés from job candidates. Instead, they are “blind hiring” candidates, and assessing their fit by having them complete tasks and projects.

Poll: Bad body language can disqualify job applicants

An impressive résumé and cover letter can help a candidate land a job interview. Bad body language and awkward mannerisms can ensure that there won’t be a second interview—or a job offer.