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13 interviewee questions to prepare for

What happens when applicants turn the tables on you during interviews? Are you (or the supervisors in your workplace) prepared? Here are 13 applicant questions to be prepared to answer:

The safe way to reject unsuccessful applicants

Saying “thanks but no thanks” to unsuccessful job applicants may not be high on your hiring list of priorities, but how you handle rejections can mean the difference between applicants leaving with a positive impression of your organization and those whose feelings are hurt … and who might decide to sue.

Enough is enough: How many interviews are too many?

Some employers schedule multiple interviews due mostly to tradition and habit, which can waste managers’ time, alienate top candidates and unnecessarily lengthen the hiring process. Use the following guidelines to create a strategy for conducting multiple interviews and determining how many are too many.

Are there any occasions when it would be appropriate to ask about applicant’s religion?

Q. When, if ever, can our company legally ask an applicant about his or her religious affiliation?

Rethink asking applicants about salary history

The federal Office of Personnel Management recently told all federal agencies not to rely on past salaries to determine how much to offer new hires. Why?

Panel interviews save time, improve hiring


Shuffling candidates between one-on-one interviews with different managers is time consuming and can produce assessments that are vastly different or inaccurate. That’s why more businesses are including panel interviews as a tool in their hiring belts.

NYC to send out employment testers to spot hiring bias

Under recently signed legislation, New York City will begin a year-long employment tester program in which paired job applicants with similar experience and qualifications will express interest in the same job. One will belong to a protected class and one will not.

Are employer’s verbal promises binding?

Q. Can I rely on verbal promises made by my em­­ployer during my interview, or during my employment as forming part of my contract of employment?

How to avoid making legally binding promises when hiring

Employee lawsuits can erupt when promises made in interviews aren’t kept or job offer letters inadvertently oversell the potential for monetary rewards. Here are four key questions to ­consider.

No such thing as ‘overqualified’: Don’t automatically reject skilled older applicant

Older workers tend to have more overall experience and may seem overqualified for entry-level positions. Don’t reject those candidates, though. Doing so may set you up for a discrimination lawsuit.