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Warn interviewers not to ask loaded questions

Train hiring managers to avoid asking intrusive, irrelevant and potentially illegal questions during job interviews. Loaded questions can spur a lawsuit if the candidate isn’t hired—and jurors may conclude the questions are smoking-gun evidence that proves discrimination.

4 smart things to do when hiring and firing remotely

Leaders know that bringing new people on board and handling terminations properly are two activities too important to perform haphazardly. While remote hiring and firing pose challenges, managers cannot use location as an excuse to slack.

You must accommodate disabled job applicants

The ADA requires employers to offer reasonable accommodations for disabled individuals at every step of the employment relationship, including during the job application process. Be especially aware of this if you use an online system that screens applicants and then automatically invites qualified candidates to come in for an interview.

Document why hiring committee was overruled

Having a group of employees interview job applicants is a great way to identify the best candidates. But a would-be supervisor may disagree with a hiring committee’s candidate recommendation. If that happens, be sure to document exactly why he or she rejected the committee’s choice.

How to lose a good job applicant in just 10 days

One-third of senior managers surveyed said their company is taking more time to hire in today’s coronavirus environment, despite having access to a deeper talent pool. We won’t say employers are stringing candidates along. Robert Half calls it “breadcrumbing.”

Automated interviews raise bias concerns

By automating part of the hiring process, there’s less scheduling hassle and more opportunity to quickly screen out clearly unqualified and unsuitable applicants while identifying the most promising candidates. But there are also disadvantages.

Avoid hiring panel squabbles

Having a group interview job applicants yields questions from different perspectives. That usually yields more information and creates more buy-in from those included. However, all that diversity can—and probably will—also make for arguments.

Caution when conducting virtual interviews

The same principles that have always guided your interviewing protocols apply in an online environment. However, just like in-person interviews, virtual interviews can trigger discrimination complaints. Follow these tips to avoid potential pitfalls.

Get ready for more failure-to-promote suits

The coming months look like they will bring hard economic times, which probably means we will see an increase in employee lawsuits. One unique risk to watch out for: failure-to-promote litigation.

1 in 5 candidates say an interviewer flirted with them

While it’s important to make candidates feel comfortable during interviews, it’s also important to know the line.