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Your HR Career

Play it smart by aligning yourself with the CFO


Corporate pressures now call for closer ties between HR and top finance. Winning the CFO as an ally can help earn funding for HR projects, and your strategy smarts will draw attention. Take steps to cultivate the relationships and learn the numbers he or she thrives on …

Capture knowledge from key people before they exit


Your organization could lose critical knowledge if certain employees leave. Yet, top management often hesitates to address that risk. By taking steps to capture "at risk" information, you build a stronger organization … and boost your own standing …

Increase your value by helping to spot rising managers


Your unique vantage point in HR equips you to identify managers with the potential to become company leaders. By sharing your insights with top execs, you’ll help build organizational excellence and make yourself more valuable. Use these tips to alert top execs to possible future leaders they might be missing …

Turn your paper HR forms into electronic versions


Issue: You can use Adobe Acrobat’s PDF Creator to convert old typewritten forms to digital ones.
Benefit: Save time (for you, employees and applicants), save paper and impress the boss …

Are you wired for field HR or corporate HR?


Field HR or corporate HR: Neither career path is necessarily better; each has its own challenges and rewards. But there are important differences between the two that influence your career direction. Knowing those distinctions is a key step in any HR job move …

8 steps to being an effective witness in court, depositions

Many HR professionals (and most supervisors) aren’t prepared when called to serve as witnesses. One simple mistake can hurt your organization’s chances and damage your professional image. Use these eight tips to create practice sessions for yourself and other employees who serve as witnesses.

Candor: Apply with extreme caution

If you’ve ever caught yourself saying— a bit defensively—“I was just being honest,” rest assured that you’re not the only person to have offended a colleague, customer or staff member with your candor. But effective leaders smooth out the rough edges of their candor, with these techniques.

How to nail down a flaky boss


Q. Our CEO changes his mind constantly. After we agree on a project, he’ll come back to me a day or two later with a different plan. How can I pin him down? —L.G., South Carolina

How to disagree with your boss–productively

Disagree with the boss? Some managers say they can’t do it. Some won’t. Some wish they could. And some say it’s not necessary. But in our experience, the boss isn’t always right—and sometimes needs feedback to tell him so.

Hear ‘Great idea, but …’ for the final time


The biggest mistake you can make in trying to sell your ideas is to pitch them to the management team as a group. It’s much more effective to influence their thinking one person at a time. Here’s how: