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Your HR Career

HR Certification: Truly Helpful or a ‘Feel Good’ Thing?


The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) offers three national certifications for HR professionals. A reader of our HR Specialist Forum (www.TheHRSpecialist.com) posed this question: “Do these certifications make you more marketable and earn a higher salary, or are they just a ‘feel good’ thing?” …

6 subtle communication gaffes even smart HR pros make


Here are six common communication mistakes that people—especially professional women—make in the workplace, according to communications consultant Colette Carlson

Case study: Give workers the power to reshape their jobs and goals


Most organizations stick to traditional management approaches, largely because they don’t trust employees with control. But studies consistently show that employees who set their own goals work harder to accomplish them and are happier with their jobs. Here are some practical tips for empowering your employees.

Become better at tooting your own horn


Create a “brag bag,” a running collection of stories about your work accomplishments and interests …

Prepare for even more disclosure of exec compensation


A federal investigation of companies that allegedly backdated employees’ stock options already involves more than 100 companies, and it has prompted the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to require more disclosure of executive pay …

Lead your organization toward globalization: 6 steps


With more organizations reaching their tentacles into far-flung places, HR is being called to respond. Key indicator: Employers are spending more time searching for talent, specifically people who can and will work and succeed in other countries …

Depositions: Plan, prepare and don’t babble

The less said during a deposition, the better. You want to minimize the chance your words can be used against you. Follow these tips.

Get Ahead by Drafting Your Own ‘Career Annual Report’


What have you learned and accomplished in the past five years? If you can’t answer that question, you’ll have a tougher time selling yourself to potential employers. Use the following template to create an annual report that can help collect your thoughts each year …

Check your ‘ethical pulse’: 4 indicators of a bad decision


Before you act on a hastily made decision, ask these questions to see if it passes ethical muster.

Get the troops on board

In a recent survey, nearly half the workers responding felt their organization had failed to provide clearly defined goals for their jobs. To help your employees get back into the game, Joanne G. Sujansky offers this advice to create a goal-oriented culture.