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Employers: ‘Keep Out!’ Beware intruding in employee web sites


It’s becoming a common problem: An employer discovers disparaging comments on an employee’s Facebook, MySpace or personal blog. Maybe a post reveals internal company information. Can the employer take disciplinary action? A series of new laws and evolving legal doctrines have placed limits on how far an employer can encroach on the private and off-site activities of its employees.

Use your solid records to counter employee’s claim of discriminatory treatment


The difference between winning lawsuits and losing them often comes down to good record-keeping. When an employee sues for discrimination, for example, a solid discharge reason will trump the allegations unless the employee can show it was false or that others weren’t discharged for similar problems.

Can you provide a summary of the new Form I-9?


Q. I recently heard that employers must now use a new I-9 form for new employees. Is this true?

Hey, look, we’re on TV! Better fire that guy!


The U.S. Department of Labor has settled with Triple B Cleaning, a Houston company, that it claims illegally fired an employee who had complained about workplace safety issues to local news media.

$108,000 OSHA penalty for manufacturing company


OSHA has announced that a Texas manufacturer faces $108,000 in proposed penalties for failing to abate safety violations after a worker died from an electrical shock. In January 2008, OSHA flagged six violations against JD Manufacturing, doing business as Arrow Waste.

Being overly friendly isn’t harassment


Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on sex, and sexual harassment is sex discrimination. That doesn’t mean, however, that every unwanted work relationship is sexual harassment. As a recent case shows, an obsessive interest, unrelated to sex, by one employee in another isn’t prohibited.

Prepare your workplace for a possible flu pandemic

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What to do if boss pushes you to hire his unqualified friend


Say a company exec asks you to hire his relative or friend, or he not so subtly urges you to give the application “strong consideration.” You want to reject the candidate because he’s obviously unqualified. But you don’t want to commit career suicide. What do you do?

6 tips for handling a call from the local media


In a small shop, public relations is just the kind of “other duties as assigned” that often falls to HR. Don’t wait until a reporter calls to develop a basic communications strategy. Six tips can guide you through the sometimes intimidating process of interacting with the media.

Navigating the complexities of a layoff to avoid unnecessary risks


In today’s down economy, nearly every termination and layoff is fraught with risk. Layoffs are supposed to be blind on issues of race, sex, age, etc. But, if you are making these decisions in the dark, you are making a big mistake that could prove very costly. Before implementing a layoff, it’s crucial to review the demographics of who is staying and who is leaving.