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HR Management

OSHA adds teeth to protective equipment standards


The stakes just got higher for employers that fail to provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) or give employees the necessary safety training. For every PPE and training violation, multiply the OSHA fine by the number of employees affected.

E-mail’s little helpers: 5 tools to help manage your in-box


Here’s a New Year’s resolution that’s productive and easy to keep: Once and for all, take control of your e-mail! These five tips will help you stay organized, free up time and server space—and keep you from committing career suicide.

Free laptops result in fewer snow days


Standard & Poor’s has come up with a solution to snow days for employees of its Centennial, Colo., office: laptops. The credit ratings firm gives a laptop computer to any Centennial employee who wants to work from home during foul weather.

More snooping, followed by bill


Verizon Wireless admitted in November that company employees snuck a peek at the personal cell phone records of President-elect Barack Obama … Amid ongoing spy reports, the Ohio House of Representatives approved a bill in December designed to safeguard taxpayers’ personal data.

Make sure employees understand the value of their benefits


Boosting your benefits communication during troubled economic times can help your organization retain good employees and ease their worries so they can focus on work. The key: Show employees the value of their benefits.

3 ways HR can help employees cut their health care costs


As the economy worsens, rising health costs are driving more employees to cut their own spending on medical care. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on expenses …

Showers bring back more moms after baby comes


At Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, 90% of new moms come back to work after they have their babies, but that wasn’t the case five years ago. Then, just 64% returned to work. So HR started throwing baby showers for expectant and adoptive moms and dads …

Career mentors help colleagues who are attending school


Mercy Health System in Janesville, Wis., pays up to $3,000 per employee for college tuition, and $1,000 more if the employee works with an in-house mentor for up to three years.

Backup care aids attendance when regular care falls through


Employees of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa rely on the organization’s backup dependent care program to step in when their regular arrangements fall through—even if the dependent is not an employee’s child.

Are you prepared to follow the new FMLA regulations?


On Jan. 16, the U.S. Department of Labor’s new FMLA regulations became effective. The most significant changes were to the regulatory scheme for handling employee leave certifications and medical documentation.