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HR Management

Look for firing trends that could signal bias


In a case that illustrates why you should review all your employment decisions for potential hidden bias, a California appeals court has ruled that employees can use other employees to testify that they, too, were discriminated against in the same way.

How to prepare your workplace for a possible flu pandemic


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have for years predicted that a virulent influenza outbreak could kill tens of thousands, hospitalize hundreds of thousands and sicken millions. Regardless of how the swine flu crisis plays out, it should be a wake-up call for employers. If you haven’t already, now is the time to undertake pandemic planning efforts.

Male-dominated mailroom costs Star-Tribune $300,000


The Star-Tribune, one of the 20 largest newspapers in the country, has signed on to a class-action settlement agreement involving two women who filed sexual harassment charges against the company. The agreement was worked out by the EEOC after two women working in the mailroom claimed they were subjected to a sexually hostile work environment.

Employers: ‘Keep Out!’ Beware overreacting to employees’ Facebook, blog postings


It’s becoming a common problem: An employer discovers disparaging comments on an employee’s Facebook, MySpace or personal blog. Maybe a post reveals internal company information. Can the employer take disciplinary action? It depends.

Summer’s coming! It’s time to tune up your vacation policies


With warmer weather on the way, it’s time to revisit your vacation policies—even as a new survey says Americans may be cutting back on vacation travel. Check your handbook against HR Specialist’s free sample vacation policy.

Street Smarts Vol. II: Your peers weigh in with real-world business solutions


Pulled from the pages of HR Specialist newsletters, here are five practical, workplace-proven tips for you to try. From management advice to hiring innovations, they’ll help you work smarter and more productively.

Florida Nordstrom employees win harassment settlement


High-end retailer Nordstrom has settled an EEOC lawsuit alleging it allowed harassment of Hispanic and black employees at its Palm Beach Gardens and Wellington stores. Ten former employees will share in the $292,000 settlement.

After ARRA, how to handle gross misconduct and COBRA coverage


In light of the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, employers have begun re-examining the cases of some employees who were involuntarily discharged for misconduct. The purpose? To determine whether the employees are eligible to receive a 65% subsidy for continuation of health insurance benefits under COBRA.

Can law enforcement agencies prohibit uniformed officers from wearing religious garb?


Q. As a law enforcement agency, we have several employees who want to wear religious garb with their uniforms. Our uniform regulations do not provide any accommodation for religious symbols or dress. Can we require strict compliance with the uniform regulation without violating religious discrimination laws?

EEOC sues rehab center for failure to accommodate


The EEOC has filed a federal lawsuit accusing the Florida Institute for Neurological Rehabilitation of violating the ADA when it refused to accommodate a disabled employee’s request for training assistance.