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HR Management

Sudden severance switch raises bias red flags

Here’s something to consider if you suspect an employee you want to terminate might sue for some form of discrimination. Offering a severance payment conditioned on waiving the right to sue could backfire if that’s not what you usually do.

Reining in absences & tardiness: 7 do’s and don’ts

Managers can’t instantly say, “Be here or be fired” to an employee struggling with attendance issues. Managers have to work with HR to employ strategies that not only combat absenteeism, but also avoid legal trouble.

What’s the opposite of working from home?

Working from home may not be the norm at many companies, but almost every employee these days is “homing from work.” A new survey says 93% of us take time out of the workday to handle personal business.

Summer is the time to weigh in with healthy living tips

More than half of workers (55%) consider themselves overweight, and 41% have gained weight at their present jobs, according to a survey by Careerbuilder.com. Help employees manage their weight and stay healthy this summer by passing along these simple tips:

4 tactics to trigger wellness participation


The Affordable Care Act will allow employers to offer health insurance discounts to employees who take part in wellness programs. However, it’s not required. Whether you’re considering premium incentives or not, try these tactics to attract workers to your wellness program.

‘Inclusion’ center to help Deloitte redefine diversity

Deloitte is redefining what “inclusion” means in its workforce. The professional services giant in March launched the Deloitte University Leadership Center for Inclusion to “expand the understanding of inclusion” by disrupting the “traditional views of diversity and work/life fit.”

The HR I.Q. Test: July ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz.

Don’t let compassion for staff consume you


You were probably attracted to HR because you want to help people. It’s in your nature to do so. But be careful not to become too attached to helping employees. It could actually hurt your career.

If it’s carefully crafted, you can make an arbitration agreement stick

Good news for employers that want to settle employment-related disputes through arbitration instead of risking a jury trial. The Court of Appeal of California has upheld an arbitration agreement that was presented to all employees when they were hired.

Keep all lawsuit settlements confidential!

Here’s an important warning for employers that end discrimination or harassment lawsuits with settlement agreements that include a confidentiality clause: Keep those terms confidential and accessible only to those who absolutely need to know. Otherwise, you could wind up facing a retaliation lawsuit if word of the settlement leaks out …