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HR Management

Worker hinting at harassment? Provide policy


You probably make sure all your employees have read your sexual harassment policy. That doesn’t mean they always follow it. If an employee is hinting that she’s being harassed, your best approach may be to hand her another copy and urge her to report any problems right away.

Random wisdom from SHRM 2013

The HR Specialist hit the road in June for the annual Society for Human Resource Management conference in Chicago. Here are some lessons learned …

DOMA overturned, launching HR overhaul

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 26 ruled the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, a decision that set in motion a sweeping rewrite of federal rules affecting benefits administration and payroll operations.

Add civility code to prevent avoidable lawsuits

Do you have a comprehensive civility code? If not, consider adding one. A work environment contaminated by yelling, cursing and other uncivil behavior could lead to discrimination and retaliation lawsuits.

Can we ban moonlighting?

Q. We have an employee who recently started working a second job. We currently don’t have a rule against moonlighting, but now he frequently comes in late and tired. It’s really affecting his work. Are we legally entitled to ban second jobs?

Well, there’s your problem: Not enough idiots!

It’s smart for a business to keep a loyal cadre of stupid people at work, according to two Swedish researchers. They contend that “functional stupidity” is actually essential to getting things done in plenty of organizations.

Does employee use of DOL ‘timesheet’ app mean we can’t ban cellphones?

Q. To curb wasted time and keep workers on task, we are banning cellphones at work. Now one of our employees has told us that she has the Department of Labor’s wage-and-hour app on her iPhone. She says she uses it to track her hours worked, and that we are illegally preventing her from using it. Will our ban hold up legally?

Is it legally risky to use facial recognition software?

Q. Management wants to install “facial recognition” software that clocks in employees by electronically matching the employee’s face to a database. Leaving aside the Big Brother creepiness, are there any legal land mines we should consider before installing this type of technology?

How long must we retain personnel files?

Q. We are moving to another office and want to take this opportunity to purge outdated or unnecessary documents. How long do we have to keep our personnel files?

Want to offer additional leave for disability? Be sure policy is drafted in your favor


By now, you no doubt know that instantly firing someone who isn’t ready to return from FMLA leave may land you in legal trouble. Some employers have addressed this situation by crafting a policy that provides some additional leave. If you decide to do that, make sure you get legal help creating the actual policy.