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HR Management

Don’t let fear of lawsuits stop reorganization efforts

Companies that don’t change with the times risk going out of business. But change can be uncomfortable for employees, especially if it affects them directly in lost pay, status or even continued employment. Don’t let the possibility of a lawsuit keep you from making necessary adjustments.

Wellness lessons from ‘healthiest companies’

Employers are always on the lookout for low-cost well­­­ness practices that help employees prevent disease and illness. If you’re looking for inspiration, check out the 72 “Healthiest Companies in America.”

4 mistakes team leaders should avoid

Team leaders can get ensnared in their own good intentions. The result can cause an admirable effort to backfire. Here are four mistakes team leaders need to avoid.

Worker death means prison for former company president

A former Port Arthur chemical company president has pleaded guilty to occupational safety crimes in federal court. The former head of Port Arthur Chemical and Environmental Services admitted to violating OSHA by allowing a driver to haul a load so toxic it killed him.

The HR I.Q. Test: June ’13

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

What can we tell co-workers about a new employee’s sex change and transgender status?

Q. We recently hired an experienced salesperson. Dur­­ing her orientation, she told HR that she recently underwent a sex change procedure and that she is transgender. A few days later, another employee went to HR and explained that he had known the salesperson in a previous job before her sex change. This employee is clearly uncomfortable and asked for advice on what he can say to the new employee and others on the team about their former working relationship?

7 questions to ask before buying HR software

A simple Google search for “HR software” will return a mind-numbing 700,000 results. To select the right vendor and software for your organization, arm yourself with these seven questions to narrow your search:

Diverse firms outperform S&P 500 for 2nd straight year

The stock of organizations whose business practices, leadership and employee population reflect the diversity of their communities tend to outperform the S&P 500, according to DiversityInc.com.

Get ahead of legislation: 8 steps to building a strong anti-bullying policy

When we think of bullying, we usually think of kids at school, not adults in the workplace. But, according to a 2010 survey, 35% of American workers have been bullied at work. Unfortunately for those employees, there are currently no federal or state laws that specifically prohibit bullying in the workplace. That may soon change.

Remember: Contract workers are eligible to sue you, too

Here’s a reminder that you need to document disciplinary and workplace problems for temporary contract employees, too. It doesn’t matter that they know they only have a job for a set period of time.