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Employment Law

When do long-term consultants become employees?

Q. We have some paid consultants who have been working for us for two years. Are there any ramifications if we refer to these consultants as “staff” and enter them in a national database as our staff?

California Supreme Court: ‘Mixed-motive’ applies in FEHA cases

The California Supreme Court has issued a long-awaited decision on whether the “mixed-motive” de­­fense applies to employment discrimination claims under the California Fair Em­­ployment and Housing Act (FEHA).

NLRB sets date for new Kaiser Permanente election

Forty-five thousand Kaiser Permanente employees in California will start receiving new union ballots April 5 following a National Labor Relations Board ruling that a 2010 election was invalid.

No duty to accommodate when performance is impossible

Sometimes, there’s no way for an in­­jured employee to perform the essential functions of a job, despite medical intervention. When that’s the case, it may be time to look for other options.

Keep thorough records of skills-testing processes and results to counter claims of bias

Do you administer make-or-break tests that everyone must pass? If so, make sure you test everyone under similar circumstances. Keep careful records of testing conditions and test results. That way, if someone claims the test was biased, you can at least show it was administered fairly and impartially.

Consider ADA if sick worker needs more leave

Employees who are temporarily unable to perform their jobs because of a disability are entitled to reasonable ADA accommodations. You’ll want to think about starting the interactive accommodations process as soon as a potentially disabled employee asks for more than the usual amount of leave.

Retaliation: Your #1 risk in job-bias lawsuits

Supervisors in your organization probably know it’s illegal to discriminate based on race, age, sex, religion or disability. But apparently far fewer realize those same federal laws also make it illegal to retaliate against people for voicing complaints about such discrimination.

Does time in alcohol rehab count for FMLA leave?

Q. If an employee is admitted to a nonmedical facility for alcohol addiction, can this leave qualify under the FMLA? If so, what documentation is acceptable? Can a letter from the facility be substituted for medical documentation?

What could get in the way of a settlement that prevents all possible future claims?

Q. We are entering into a settlement agreement with a former employee with whom we have had lots of issues over 10 years. We want assurances that he will not come back with any further claims. Can a single release cover every type of legal claim?

Is our employee entitled to take FMLA leave so she can try out a new job?

Q. The minor child of one of our employees has a disability. She was approved to be his personal care attendant and requested FMLA leave to see if she would like to do this as a job going forward … I know FMLA is available to care for a child, but can she use FMLA as a way of trying out a new job?