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Employment Law

Court nixes multiple suits in different forums

Courts are getting tough on employees who file multiple lawsuits in different forums by requiring consolidation into one court. Employees who don’t cooperate end up out of court.

Want to cut overtime pay? OK to alter workweek–as long as change is permanent

Good news for cost-conscious employers: The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that an employer is free to change how it designates the workweek as long as it does so “permanently”—even if the sole reason is to reduce overtime pay.

Steer clear of blanket hiring policies that stymie disabled applicants


Do you have a standard hiring rule that effectively screens out some job applicants? If so, scrap it. Instead, consider each applicant on his or her merits, especially if the rule could harm applicants with certain disabilities.

Examine actual job duties–not job descriptions–to determine if jobs are truly equivalent

Don’t rely on job descriptions to counter claims that you violated the Equal Pay Act. How the job is actually performed counts much more.

New look for posters from Dept. of Labor & Industry


The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry has redesigned four required workplace posters. The new posters cover safety and health regulations, wage and overtime law, age discrimination and retirement and procedures injured employees should follow at work.

Beware discipline following benefits complaint

Not every complaint about what might be construed as a benefit amounts to protected activity under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA).

Communicate findings of bias investigation

If an employee complains about alleged discrimination and you investigate, make sure you let the employee know the result. It could prevent a lawsuit.

How to establish a sexual harassment defense?

Q. We have several 16-year-old girls working as servers in our restaurant. One worker’s mother told us about alleged harassment. Can we rely on our training for our defense?

Can we prohibit moonlighting?


Q. Some of our full-time employees have told us that they are looking for part-time jobs to make extra income. We’re worried about how this will affect their performance at our company. Can we prohibit them from working for other employers after-hours?

Travel time: Must we begin paying employees when they leave their homes?


Q. Some of our employees are required to drive our company vehicles from home to various work sites in our area. Are we required to pay them starting from the time they leave home?