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Employment Law

Federal sequester raises issues for exempt employees

Under the federal sequester, a federal contractor may be forced to rejigger its workforce through reduced hours or furloughs. The problem: Under the FLSA, exempts must receive a full week’s pay if they do any work during the week. You have three options.

Courts crack down on EEOC’s ‘fishing expedition’ tactics


The EEOC has great power and considerable autonomy when investigating employers. But that doesn’t mean the commission has carte blanche to do whatever it wants. In fact, courts have recently issued rulings that place significant curbs on some EEOC practices.

Another lawsuit in state police Asian sex-trip scandal

The Pennsylvania State Police sex-tourism scandal gripping Harrisburg just got even more complicated. Yet another trooper is suing the state, claiming he was passed over for a promotion after testifying in connection with the original lawsuit that blew the whistle on police officials who allegedly traveled to Asia to engage in sex.

Little incidents can become harassment over time

Respond ASAP with swift discipline the first time someone levels sexual or anti-female taunts at an employee. Otherwise, the problem will grow. You may not realize something is wrong until the victim quits and sues.

Guard against retaliation claims by documenting timing of every step in the hiring process

Here’s a simple tip that can save you lots of headaches: Docu­­ment the exact date an applicant submits her paperwork and the date of each decision related to her application.

First things first on FMLA: Challenge eligibility before approving leave

Many employers are seeing a surge in requests for intermittent leave when an employee has a parent or child who needs help getting to medical appointments or undergoing treatments. Before you approve a request for such intermittent leave, make sure you are satisfied with the medical certification.

Accommodating religion: What HR & managers need to know

The increasing religious diversity in the workforce is causing more managers to make legal mistakes. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it unlawful to dis­­crimi­­nate against applicants or em­­ployees based on their religion. Here’s what the law means to employers and managers on a practical, day-by-day level.

Immigration plan: More penalties, mandatory E-Verify

The immigration reform plan put forth by President Obama last month calls for increased penalties against employers for hiring undocumented workers. Plus, it would mandate employers’ participation in the electronic E-Verify system within five years.

What are wage-and-hour implications of tracking time for telecommuters?


Q. We recently started permitting two of our employees to telecommute on certain days of the week. We are concerned with tracking these employees’ hours. What are the wage-and-hour concerns we should be aware of for telecommuting employees?

When equipment must start up, when does work begin?

Q. When our employees come in to work, they spend part of their time getting their equipment running. Do we need to compensate them for that time?