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With virus, handshakes are so 2019

What was once a standard and reflexive way to meet, greet, part ways, close deals and congratulate may now be coming to an end.

Say goodbye on good terms when forced to downsize

If you’re contemplating a layoff, you’ve no doubt given some thought to which employees you want to let go—and which ones you absolutely must retain. But know this: Every time an organization lays off even a few employees, voluntary turnover jumps in response—and the ones who choose to leave are most likely employees you intended to keep.

3 challenges for global teams

Teams consisting of globally dispersed employees are becoming the norm these days. And that kind of diversity can be hugely beneficial to organizations, in terms of innovation, problem-solving and customer service. However, cross-cultural communication can pose significant challenges for team members.

2 simple steps to make your next meeting a success

To ensure your next meeting produces results, the Harvard Business Review urges two critical steps.

Take the drama out of disagreement

How can we sidestep drama in our conversations when we live in a world of hyper-politicized and confrontational behavior?

Survey: Workers want info on financial performance

Should companies open their books to employees? New research from global staffing firm Robert Half Management Resources shows a majority of workers—82%—are interested in hearing about their organization’s financial performance.

How to collaborate with virtual co-workers

If you work virtually—or others on your team do—follow this advice to make collaboration simpler and more effective.

How to have those ‘tough talks’ with employees: 10 tips

Tough conversations can actually strengthen relationships and help both parties grow personally and professionally—if you handle them the right way. Here are 10 tips for having those difficult conversations from Quint Studer, author of the bestseller The Busy Leader’s Handbook.

‘Selling’ benefits: 5 ways to repackage perks & increase participation

The two keys to greater use of your work/life benefits: constant communication and the right kind of communication. Here are five suggestions to achieve those goals.

Harness the power of the thank-you note

If the last time you remember penning an actual thank-you note was at age 10 when your mother insisted you couldn’t spend the birthday money Aunt Helen sent until you wrote one, you’re missing out on a simple way to connect with others—and enhance your own life.