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Sound Bites: December ’18

Whether in person or remotely, get all meeting attendees on the same page … How your receptionist can off insight in a group interview … Log off on the weekend … When to never apologize … Icebreaker: 10 things in common … How upper and lower case letters got their names

Avoid the perception of bullying: 8 do’s and don’ts

The growth of anti-bullying laws, policies and public campaigns are making employees ultra-aware to potential bullying situations at work. For supervisors, that means it’s more important than ever to be alert to how your words and actions are being delivered … and received. Here are eight do’s and don’ts:

Burnout! Four main causes of employee stress, and what you can do about it

You’ve put in the long hours to build a relationship with your team, and to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, motivators and goals for the future. While these are all key components to a successful relationship with your staff, it’s for naught if you can’t proactively prevent employee burnout.

7 steps for effective, stress-free performance reviews

Performance review meetings can bring anxiety to both sides of the desk. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With the right planning by supervisors, the meeting can be a productive, morale-boosting exchange. Here are seven steps for running productive and stress-free performance review meetings.

Yes, You Need a Crisis Plan! Here’s What it Should Say

It’s every company’s worst fear: A horrible employee decision leads to front page news and a PR crisis. In many cases, HR is on the front lines of such responses. Having a crisis plan ahead of time can literally save the company—and your career. Some recent examples: Starbucks faced protests and lots of negative press […]

Sample Policy: Social Media

The following sample policy was excerpted from The Book of Company Policies, published by HR Specialist. Edit for your organization’s purposes ________________________________ “Social media (including personal and professional websites, blogs, chat rooms and bulletin boards; social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter; video-sharing sites such as YouTube; and e-mail) are a common means of […]

Say ‘no’ to no-shows: 8 steps to ‘pre-boarding’

More employers are launching formal “pre-boarding” programs. The goal: engage new hires between the time they accept an employment offer and the first day. Here are eight ideas to keep your new hires committed and interested.

Best holiday gift for employees could be a simple ‘thank you’


A little appreciation can go a long way with employees. This holiday season, remind supervisors to stuff their employees’ stockings with a simple “thank you” for a year of loyal service.

The opposite of ‘Because I said so’

“People are more likely to do what we ask them to if we give them a reason why,” says Nancy Harbut, chief creative officer at HBT Marketing.

The easy way to keep employees ‘in the know’

Don’t have the time to produce a fancy company newsletter? You can still keep your employees informed about goings-on both big and small through a regular email blast .