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Employees’ emotional outburst: A patient, calm response is legally smart

Occasionally, all supervisors and HR professionals have to deal with overly emotional ­employees. Handling such situations with a calm and measured response isn’t just good for morale, it could mean the difference between winning and losing a lawsuit.

@#$%&! Maybe partisan politics isn’t the problem

They may fight like cats and dogs in Washington, D.C., but they swear like sailors. The nation’s capital is America’s foulest-mouthed city, according to a survey by CareerBuilder.com.

Supervising difficult employees? Mend it, don’t end it

Rather than ignoring tough situations or automatically getting rid of “difficult” employees, it’s better to learn techniques to effectively manage those situations.

Target misses mark with multicultural training

Minneapolis-based retailer Target is scrambling to explain a training document that surfaced at one of its Northern California distribution centers. The document purports to tell supervisors how to interact with Hispanic employees—and in the process betrays some offensive stereotypes.

Is body odor a real disability?

Q. Several employees have requested that we talk to another employee who, frankly, smells bad. I know she has medical problems. Can we ask her to do something about the odor or would that be discrimination based on disability?

To build high performance, remember the power of ‘Thank you!’

In every workplace and on every team, all people have the innate desire to feel appreciated and valued by others. Leaders of teams—and team members themselves—should work to encourage a culture of appreciation.

Teams not getting along? Here’s how to fix it

Some teams struggle to work together. Personalities clash, disagreements intensify and meetings turn into protracted turf battles. When groups become polarized, shake up the status quo. Here are some effective techniques to help teams regain their footing.

Understand the Millennials working in your midst

Researchers who studied PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Millennial employees found that several factors are key to retaining today’s youngest workers and helping them succeed.

Hand out health exchange model notices by Oct. 1

The U.S. Department of Labor has released model notices employers can use or adapt to tell employees about their options for buying health insurance through government-run state exchanges.

10 ways to increase use of your employee assistance plan


Is your organization reaping the full financial benefits of having an employee assistance program? If your employees aren’t using it, probably not.