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12 steps you can take to create a happier workforce

As an HR professional, you’re in a unique position to guide your organization to a culture that causes less worry and stress for employees—and better health and productivity. Here are 12 ways to get started:

Think twice before giving employees personal advice

It happens all the time: An employee approaches someone from HR to ask for help. But occasionally, HR pros find their work conversations veering dangerously toward inappropriately personal topics—from how to handle retirement investments to life-and-death health care decisions.

10 ways to overcome ‘negative vibes’ among your staff

A hard-core negative attitude that starts with just one employee can quickly infect an entire department (or a whole company) if the manager doesn’t rein it in quickly. Here are 10 tips for confronting em­ployees whose negative behavior has begun to affect co-workers and the company:

‘Week of Service’ invites Allstate employees to volunteer


Northbrook, Ill.-based Allstate this summer challenged its 70,000 em­­ployees to partner with local nonprofit organizations in their communities—and it made a $500 grant to each of those nonprofits, awarding $80,000 overall.

‘Three Blind Mice’ helps NIH staff understand disability


At the National Institutes of Health, blind employees are reaching out to sighted co-workers to teach them how to treat them during the workday.

Lesson of Hurricane Sandy: It’s time to update your crisis-management plan

Hurricane Sandy is a powerful reminder: Natural (and man-made) disasters can threaten at any time. Smart employers make contingency plans so they can stay up and running even when normal work operations are disrupted. Here are eight key pieces to a crisis-management plan, which you can coordinate with the appropriate departments.

Michigan firm’s employees say collective ‘thanks’ to truckers

During National Truck Driver Appre­­ci­­a­­tion Week in September, employees of Troy, Mich.-based Meritor personally extended their thanks to the professional drivers who serve the company’s manufacturing plants.

GSA employees come up with $5 million in savings


After suffering a slow-healing black eye for a lavish Las Vegas conference, the U.S. General Services Administration has turned to its staff for ideas to save money. Since unleashing “The Great Ideas Hunt,” GSA employees have offered the beleaguered agency more than 600 ideas.

Are your HR ‘customers’ satisfied? Surveys can tell


One way for HR departments to improve their performance—and their reputation among execs—is to treat employees like customers seeking good service. So how can you tell if those “customers” are happy? Do as you would with any customer—conduct a survey.

Is your cube becoming a cage? 6 tips to put the ‘human’ back in HR

Getting out on the shop floor or into the breakroom could counter employee attitudes that link HR only with bad news and being disconnected from employees. Here are six tips to help raise HR’s visibility.