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5 tips to capture your employees’ great ideas

It’s time to revive your stale em­­ployee suggestion program. Solicit­­ing employee ideas for improving the business requires more than just bolting a box to the break room wall.

Tell staff: Accommodations are none of their business

It’s natural for co-workers to gripe when a disabled employee’s accommodation causes more work. They may complain that the accommodated employee isn’t pulling her weight or that the accommodations are bogus. Tell them to zip it.

In Harlem jobs program, varying shades of the N-word

A recent case has tested the complex, unwritten rules surrounding the use of the N-word in the workplace—in this case, the successful STRIVE East Harlem temporary agency, which has been profiled on “60 Minutes.”

How to identify potential mentors among your staff leaders

Mentorship programs can help build the skills of up-and-coming employees. However, successful mentoring depends on the skill and commitment of the senior staff who agree to groom younger workers.

CFOs complain employees don’t understand strategy

It’s hard enough for businesses to reach their strategic goals. It’s even harder when employees don’t know what those objectives are. A recent survey found that 34% of CFOs believe employees are largely clueless about their firm’s strategic objectives.

Swearing at work: Is it ever appropriate?


Does swearing energize ­employees and demonstrate passion? Or does it cast you as out-of-control and unprofessional? Generally, the answer is the latter.

The distasteful ‘sandwich’: How to rethink your feedback strategy

Many managers and HR professionals have been taught to “sandwich” constructive criticism between two positive statements. But I think this is a distasteful way of delivering feedback. Here’s why:

Recession took toll on workplace collaboration


U.S. workers are focusing more and collaborating less than they did six years ago—a likely result of the Great Recession and a lagging recovery—according to researchers at Gensler, the nation’s largest commercial interior design firm.

5 tips to help co-workers hear your ideas

How to get your ideas heard: 1. Build buy-in by “noticing out loud.” 2. Repackage your ideas to sell. 3. Use what you know to connect. 4. Get agreement with repetition. 5. Wear navy blue.

Hypersensitive employee? What’s hostile depends on objective analysis

Don’t worry too much if a sensitive soul finds the workplace unpleasant. Absent tangible, objective evidence that an environment is truly hostile, her lawsuit won’t go far.