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Build a foundation of trust

Building trust is a lot like building a house of cards: It takes a long time to create, but doesn’t take long for it to come tumbling down. A broken promise or betrayed confidence can erode trust very quickly.

Discussing politics at work: Cast a vote for civility

A recent survey by the Society for Human Resource Management reported a sharp uptick in political volatility in their workplaces this year.

Warn supervisors: No emotional outbursts

Supervisors whose personal animosity against a subordinate spills over in the workplace can be held personally liable for the resulting emotional distress in Pennsylvania.

Write a better employee survey

Use these tips to draft an employee survey that provides you with information you can use.

Government employees don’t check their Constitutional rights at the workplace door

Public employees don’t lose their First Amendment free speech rights when they take a government job. Their employer can’t punish them for speaking out on matters of public importance.

5 tips to handle tough conversations

Conducting tough conversations with employees and co-workers is inevitable. However, if you follow these guidelines, you can prevent arguments—and get the results you want.

Workplace politics fueled by gossip and rumors


A new survey shows that most believe office politicking is alive and well in the workplace.

Political talk causing turmoil at work

A new survey reports increasing tension, hostility or arguments among co-workers because of political affiliation.

Social media functions like today’s coffee break

It’s no secret that plenty of employees spend at least some of the workday visiting social media sites, either on their office computers or their smartphones.

Giving feedback to an overly sensitive worker

Fortunately it is possible to cut through emotional barriers and tell employees what they need to know about improving their performance. Here’s how.