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Provide formal training on handbook contents

If all you do with your handbook is bestow it on new employees on their first day, you’re not taking full advantage of it.

10 FBI tricks for effective persuasion

What can managers, executives and leaders learn from the FBI’s techniques?

Speak like a true leader

If you want other people to take you seriously and follow your lead, you need to speak with power, confidence and authority.

4 ways to get busy people to read your emails

There are several things you can do when writing emails to get your readers’ attention and urge them to continue reading, according to the email marketing experts at the Specialized Information Publishers Association.

Do employees feel like they ‘belong’? 5 red flags

When employees feel like they belong in an organization, they’ll give you their all. When they feel like outsiders, you’ll only get a half-hearted effort at best. Here are five red flags …

Sometimes, you just need to say ‘no’


How many times would you like to say, “No, I can’t help you,” but refrain from doing so? The result is an overload of work when you’re still trying to complete the projects that fall within your job responsibilities.

Dealing with the everything-is-urgent co-worker

Co-workers who send every message with an “Urgent” tag in the subject line or who litter emails with “ASAP” make life unnecessarily stressful. Follow these tips to deal with an everything-is-urgent co-worker.

Connect with younger co-workers

If you’re surrounded by co-workers half your age, it can feel isolating. They’ve grown up in a different world than you, and they have different priorities. How do you talk to them?

5 listening tips to improve communication

Listening well is a critical HR skill. It helps to address problems, resolve conflict and reduce miscommunication. It makes you more efficient and effective. Here’s how to become a better listener.

Do you really know how to listen?

Effective leaders learn how to put aside roving thoughts and distractions when conversing with people and open their ears. Here are some tips for active listening.