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Conduct a solid employee survey

Employee surveys that help you understand your employees better can help you manage them more effectively. But you need to approach them carefully. Keep these suggestions in mind.

Employee tests positive? How to notify staff

Millions of Americans have tested positive for the coronavirus, so odds are that one or more of your employees will test positive in the coming months. But there is a smart (and legal) way to communicate this news to your employees.

How to manage remote teams

Amy Leschke-Kahle, VP of Performance Acceleration at The Marcus Buckingham Company—an ADP company—and a keynote speaker at the American Payroll Association’s recent virtual Congress, provided attendees with some advice on engaging employees who work remotely.

Be smooth when altering a decision

Be careful to take employees’ reactions into consideration when announcing your change of course. Here’s how to switch gears smoothly.

4 videoconferencing blunders to avoid

We’ve all quickly learned both the efficiencies and quirks of videoconferencing. But how are we personally perceived inside that medium? Keep these tips in mind so you come off better when accepting that next video invite.

Help employees cope with the new stress of working from home

With everything company leaders are facing, they might not have given much thought to the emotional well-being of their employees. That’s a big mistake, in both the short and long terms. Here are some tips from Stacey Engle of Fierce Conversations to help line managers and HR pros lessen the stress that remote employees may be feeling.

4 ways HR can make life easier for employees

It’s time for your inner HR hero to emerge! Here are four things you can do right now to help co-workers weather the coronavirus chaos.

Build connection & support with creative WFH ideas

When Homes.com, a 400-employee Virginia company, went all remote in March, company leaders launched a plan to provide emotional support, boost morale and recognize achievement.

3 ways to make silence speak

Let’s face it: Some employees love to participate during meetings and conference calls, and others don’t. The trick is to give everyone a chance to make a real contribution—and to establish a value for silence, too.

To Zoom or not to Zoom: Videoconference security issues addressed

Increasingly, organizations are turning to Zoom to enable the necessary videoconferencing capabilities that make recent shifts possible. But, is that the right move?