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10 things your employees are dying to hear you say

Only about a third of employees these days say they are “engaged” in their jobs. But in the midst of everyday chaos, it’s hard for managers to think about big-picture issues like employee morale and motivation. Here are 10 phrases or questions you can use with employees to build respect, gratitude and trust, according to a new book by Todd Patkin, Finding Happiness.

10 common phrases that turn employees against you

Managers are human. You’re bound to make some unfortunate word choices now and then. But employees will give you a pass on those annoying expressions for only so long. Spew these 10 phrases at your peril.

5 questions to spark deep conversations with new colleagues

The next time you meet a new professional contact, ask these questions to get beyond dreaded small talk.

4 phrases we would love to never hear again on Zoom

Rae Ringel, whose Ringel Group specializes in leadership development, has had enough of Zoom jargon. In an article on hbr.org, she urges banishing these phrases from online gatherings.

Help managers build trust: 6 best practices

Good relationships between managers and their subordinates start with trust. Pass along these tips to help managers strengthen the bonds of trust with their staff members.

Writing job descriptions: An 8-question checklist

Inaccurate or incomplete job descriptions can create costly legal risks. Here are eight questions managers should ask themselves when drafting a job description.

8 tips for having difficult conversations via videoconference

Remote and hybrid work arrangements will almost certainly remain part of the management landscape in the months and years to come. That means it’s time to formalize ad hoc processes that emerged during the pandemic. Whether meeting with employees yourself or training supervisors how to interact with team members, these tips can make it easier to use Zoom for talking about matters that normally warrant face-to-face interactions.

For good employee relations, ask ‘What would Ted Lasso do?’

Ted Lasso is everything we need right now to help right the askew ships of our collective psyche. The following Ted-isms sum up the philosophy of Ted Lasso.

How to keep remote workers engaged

If you have any employees working remotely, it’s vital to take proactive steps to keep them engaged and connected to the organization. Here are steps that software provider Neocase implemented to help keep their remote employees engaged.

Less than half asked about return to work

As organizations open their doors again, more workers say their employer has not asked for their feedback about return-to-work policies and procedures than those whose companies actually have asked.