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Compensation & Benefits

Review your liability coverage for employee injuries


Heads up: The New Jersey Supreme Court just decided an employer insurance case that may mean insurance carriers will change the way they write errors-and-omissions policies …

Beware personal liability for COBRA, FMLA, state bias law


As if life in HR weren’t hard enough, a federal court has clarified when you may be held individually liable for mistakes in administering anti-discrimination and benefit laws …

Employee or volunteer? It matters in workers’ comp


If your organization pays someone a small amount to perform extra tasks around your workplace, are they technically “employees”? Maybe … and that means you may be on the hook for workers’ compensation benefits if the person is hurt on the premises

Rejecting light-duty offer can stop workers’ comp


Employers can cut their workers’ comp costs by having injured employees return to work as soon as possible. That may mean offering them light-duty positions if they’re not ready to resume more demanding jobs. But what happens if an employee rejects your light-duty offer?

Workers’ comp claim can’t be basis for Title VII retaliation


One part of the federal law that bans job discrimination (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act) makes it illegal to retaliate against employees who engage in “protected activity,” such as filing a discrimination complaint. But here’s a key point to remember: That protected activity must be related to discrimination claims under Title VII

Health insurance reforms finally hit the fast track


You’ve heard a lot of talk about reforming the country’s health insurance system … and now it appears you may see some action …

North Carolina Lifestyle Law


In response to moves to limit smoking in the early 1990’s, the legislature amended the state labor code to forbid employers from discriminating against employees who smoke. Specifically, it’s illegal for employers to discriminate against “the lawful use of lawful products during nonworking hours” …

Indiana Unemployment Compensation Law


Indiana’s unemployment compensation system, like that of many other states, provides temporary payments to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own. The program draws from a public policy that assumes “economic insecurity due to unemployment is … a serious menace to the health, morale, and welfare of the people of this state and to the maintenance of public order” and is “essential to public welfare.” Indiana administers its unemployment compensation program through the Indiana Department of Workforce Development (www.in.gov/dwd/) …

Indiana Workers’ Compensation Law


The Indiana workers’ compensation system is designed to protect employees who are injured on the job by replacing lost wages while they recover. The Indiana Workers’ Compensation Board (www.in.gov/workcomp) administers the law. The system works as a no-fault guarantee …

Calculating FMLA eligibility? Add in prior service


To be eligible for FMLA leave, employees must work for your organization for at least 12 months. But take note: Those months don’t need to be consecutive …