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Compensation & Benefits

Can you face legal risk for completing salary surveys?

To set competitive salaries, you've probably filled out compensation surveys and maybe even managed such surveys yourself. But recent classaction lawsuits have led some HR professionals and business execs to rethink their participation in (or hosting of) such surveys.

Review your severance packages; EEOC tightening scrutiny


When employers offer severance packages, they often ask employees to waive their rights to sue the employer. That’s a smart strategy, but small discrepancies in the agreement’s wording can make the difference between a successful severance package and a call from the EEOC …

Contesting Unemployment for Drunk Ex-Employee


Q. We sent an employee home because he came to work clearly intoxicated. The police later picked him up wandering around, and he missed work because he was in jail sobering up. We fired him, and he filed for unemployment. Can we use the police report to challenge his unemployment claim?—R.H. Florida

Release only essential information about a RIF


When conducting a reduction in force (RIF), it’s vital to handle severance offers carefully. Make sure you don’t needlessly give discharged employees the idea that they can file an age-discrimination lawsuit …

Landmark Same-Sex Ruling May Affect Your Benefits Plan


Your organization may soon need to revamp some of its employee benefits in light of an important ruling Oct. 25 by the New Jersey Supreme Court. The ruling granted committed same-sex couples the same statutory rights and benefits as married heterosexual couples

Are you spending too much on employee benefits?


The U.S. government’s main survey on wages and benefits, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation, offers a good quarterly snapshot that can help you benchmark your own pay and perks …

Pennsylvania to offer grants for career advancement


Pennsylvania is one of eight states set to pilot the U.S. Labor Department’s Career Advancement Accounts, which are personal spending accounts that workers can use to pay for post-secondary education and training …

Pump up your sales force: Focus on time, treasure, talent


Working long hours doesn’t make a sales staff successful; wisely allocating time does, says a new survey by global consulting firm Watson Wyatt …

Oral promise of extra pay is as binding as contract


In Georgia, employers that promise to pay a bonus, commission or other extra compensation to employees had better be prepared to follow through. Even though those promises aren’t in writing, employees may be likely to hold you to any supervisor’s spoken promises

Be able to prove good faith in commission calculations


If you use a written commission compensation plan as part of your incentive-pay program, make sure you do two things. Otherwise, a court could second-guess your commission calculations