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Compensation & Benefits

Car pooling isn’t paid time unless employer requires it


Employees’ typical home-to-work commutes are not compensable time, and that doesn’t change just because employees meet up at a designated place and take a car pool or van pool to work …

Minimum wage plays big role in state elections


This month’s elections may see more states adopt minimum-wage increases as they tire of waiting for Congressional action. After the ballots are counted, more than half of the states could be sitting on minimum-wage levels above the federal $5.15 per-hour threshold …

Maximize commuter perks: Save workers money, stress


Soaring gas prices earlier this year led many employees to seriously consider bailing out of their long commutes and find jobs closer to home. While gas prices have moderated (at least for now), many employees still face long, expensive, time-wasting trips to work. To ease employees’ pain, employers are increasingly turning to creative commuter benefits …

Workers’ Mental Well-Being Tops N.C. Firm’s Work/Life List


Happy employees translate into low absenteeism and low turnover, says Lisa Conklin, public relations manager for Replacements, the Greensboro, N.C., china replacement warehouse …

Hiring relatives creates friendly culture at Ohio firm


Nepotism doesn’t raise eyebrows at medical-billing service provider MBI Solutions. More than a dozen MBI employees have family members on the staff. The Kettering, Ohio-based company actively recruits employees’ relatives to create a family-friendly atmosphere and improve retention …

Adoption Benefit Spawns In-House Support Group


A few years ago, the SAS Institute started reimbursing employees who adopted children up to $5,000 toward their expenses. The company also began covering adopted children as soon as the parent gained custody, rather than after all the legal wrangling was finished—a benefit popular with employees …

Don’t let desk work make your employees fat


Employees are 14 percent more likely to gain weight after they start working at a sedentary job than those who work on their feet, according to CareerBuilder’s annual Work and Health survey …

8 N.J. employers named to ‘100 Best Companies’ list


Looking for ways to boost your recruiting efforts and retain the best talent? Take a cue from the eight New Jersey companies chosen for Working Mother magazine’s list of the "100 Best Companies" for women to work …

Must we report employees’ domestic abuse?


Q. As an employer, do we have an obligation to alert authorities about at-home physical abuse of an employee? We have an employee who has been open about abuse at the hands of a spouse, so we know it’s going on. —S. R., Wisconsin

Boring Benefits? Perk ‘Em Up With 10 Real-Life Solutions


When you rattle off your employee benefit offerings to prospective employees, what raises their eyebrows? It’s probably not the basics: People have come to expect health/life/dental, 401(k), etc. What really catches a prospect’s attention are the creative perks that prove your organization has their interests in mind …