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Compensation & Benefits

Use new govt. data to benchmark benefit percentages


The U.S. government’s main survey on employee wages and benefits, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC), offers a good quarterly snapshot that can help you benchmark your own pay and perks …

Healthy employees pay lower premiums


When Dan Dauphinee learned that a quarter of health care costs are due to unhealthy and unsafe behaviors, the operations manager made this pitch to the 140 employees of Northeastern Log Homes: Change your behavior, and we’ll cut your insurance premiums by 25 percent …

New incentive to speed up workers’ comp cases


New York employers now have more incentive to move workers’ compensation cases along quicker if the case includes accusations that the employer retaliated against employees who filed a work-related injury claim …

How to respond to predicted labor shortage in New York


The state’s economy keeps humming along. Private-company payrolls increased 1.1 percent statewide in the past year, while New York City payrolls jumped 2.0 percent during the same period …

Pataki leaves his stamp on state employment law


Lame duck Gov. George Pataki intends to influence state government long after his term expires on Dec. 31. Since Jan. 1 of this year, he has appointed more than 300 people to positions on various state boards, commissions and authorities …

Workers’ Comp Reform? It’s ‘Wait Till Next Year’ Again


HR professionals in New York have worked hard in recent years to try to improve the state’s expensive workers’ compensation system. But you’ll have to wait at least another year for reform …

Psychiatric Records Off-Limits in Certain Investigations


When a Florida employee seeks workers’ compensation, your organization doesn’t have unlimited access to his or her medical information to challenge that request …

One simple mistake can entitle workers to UI benefits


When you terminate an employee for refusing to accept a schedule change, that person typically isn’t eligible for unemployment compensation. But if your organization makes one little mistake in such circumstances, it could be on the hook for benefits …

Chasing thief off-Site? Injury earns workers’ comp


Generally, workers’ compensation won’t cover Florida employees when they’re injured after leaving the workplace. But that’s not the case if the employee left the premises in an emergency to save life or property related to the business …

State orders steep reduction in workers’ compensation rates


Good news for Florida employers: You can look forward to the fourth consecutive rate decrease since the state enacted workers’ comp reforms in 2003 …