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Compensation & Benefits

Design bonus payments to reduce OT liability

Do you hand out discretionary bonuses? If so, you may be paying more overtime than necessary—and mishandling bonus payments could land you in court.

Total-Compensation Statements: More important than ever


For the first time in five years, HR pros who handle benefits are saying that employee retention is an even more important goal than cost control. The key to keeping good employees in your organization: Make sure they know the dollar value of their benefits packages

Former plumbers union president indicted for embezzlement


A grand jury in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas indicted William I. “Willie” Brown, former president of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Local Union 237 in Texarkana, on multiple counts of embezzlement …

The court affirms: Your employee has the right to an attorney


An Ohio appeals court significantly expanded employees’ rights recently when it upheld a fired employee’s right to trial after her employer terminated her because she threatened to talk to her attorney …

As Same-Sex Unions Spread, So Do Job Protections


New Hampshire last month voted to give same-sex couples the same legal rights as other couples, making New England the first region in which every state provides some sort of protection for the civil unions of same-sex partners …

Obesity equals higher absenteeism, workers’ comp costs


A great deal of attention has focused on the direct health costs caused by obese employees. But a new Duke University Medical Center study shows obesity also takes a heavy toll on your workers’ comp costs and absenteeism rates …

Commuting injury not covered by workers’ compensation unless the route is hazardous


Generally, Michigan employees aren’t entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for injuries that happen while driving to or from work. One exception is that for so-called “excessive exposure to traffic risks”

Striking employees forfeit unemployment comp


Q. We are in contract negotiations, and there is some concern that our employees will actually vote to go out on strike. Are striking employees eligible for unemployment compensation benefits in Michigan?—F.B.

Don’t just ban smoking on-Site; help employees quit


Even if you ban smoking at work, nicotine-addicted employees will still manage to find a place to light up. And trying to hire only nonsmokers could create legal troubles. So what’s the best way to cut your high health costs related to smokers? Actively help them quit

6 ways that smaller businesses can make wellness worth it


Employers can raise deductibles and co-pays only so much before employees begin to doubt the value of their health benefits. So, organizations are looking for other ways to get meaningful savings as health costs continue to rise. Enter the employee wellness program …